The Good Old Now Eating (and/or drinking)Thread!

I'm so jealous!! :waah:

ND: ...Water... :(
And eating some ..soggy sandwiches. Ugh! :yuk:

Aaaargh two hours until I can go home and stuff myself with cookies, chocolate and crisps. And liiiitres of Dr. Pepper...
Sorry, I am just hungry. :)
Just ate: polenta with meat......i just found out that eating is my for lunch i had bread with cured ham and i was staring at it like if i was thinking about kissing somebody, and also my friend :eek: :D
it'd be difficult to believe that i really ate like a pig seeing me :err: ;)
@hiljainen: thou slender & self-possessed female, dost thou not know that this dwarf here weighs barely 55kg and this only when sodden in pouring water and so completely dressed that thou would likely be perplexed as if he be man or dwarf or baggage-packed yak?

it is however true that i hardly ever eat two times a day, which also explains why i seldom post here. there are foods i like, and i take generous helpings of them from time to time, but i've never really met an ounce of body fat face to face. i think by now my stomach has shrinked to a size so small i'd never be able to resume normal eating habits again. too bad. let's go fuck up my liver now. :grin:


There is a new Lipton Infusion there which is so unbelievably yummy.I'm trying it for the first time wight now and i'm soooooo amazed...Its taste is veeeeeeeery soft,leaves a wonderful taste in the mouth :yummy:
It contains wild rose,citronsth and some other stuff i can't translate and unfortunately there is no english on the package...
In german it is called "Figur & harmonie" and the taste "Hagebutte Zitronengrass Holunderbluten"......

You really have to try it......

i think i've found my new tea love :spin: