The Good Old Now Eating (and/or drinking)Thread!

dooooooottt! :hotjump:
*ahem* sorry... hi everyone else :p
atm, i'm having a cup of coffee (quite original, isn't it?)

@dot: where did you get that quote from?
Empanadas. It's a left-over from last day's dinner.
:yuk:? Nooo! :grin: It's great. Mmmmmm.. With some water and mebbe an orange later. :grin: *hungry*
That morning-swimming makes you hungry. ..And tired :s
Empanadas (I hope it's spelled correct) is a certain Mexican..hearty snack, amde with puff-paste..Hm, I can't really explain it. But try it if you see it, it's one of my fav's..! Mexican food is gooood. :grin:

Smaklig maltid
Smakelijk eten
Bon appetit
The Grand Wazoo said:
Empanadas (I hope it's spelled correct) is a certain Mexican..hearty snack, amde with puff-paste..Hm, I can't really explain it. But try it if you see it, it's one of my fav's..! Mexican food is gooood. :grin:
i don't know exactly what empanadas are, but i know for sure that enchiladas are quite good. :hotjump:


There they are. :grin: Yummm..


Ah. Enchiladas.. Hmm, looks pretty good. I'll try to get them someday or make them, even.

NE: the orange. :p