The Good Old Now Eating (and/or drinking)Thread!

sprite...... chupi drink,which i had abandoned for years and years to rediscover it again this summer.....

mmmmmm i think i could do with a big deep plate of spaghetti with tomato sauce and cheese,even if it's the middle of the night *saliva dripping to the floor*
@Tebus: I have a low iron level and sometimes it's difficult to handle. I get dizzy, weak, and pale. Thanks for your concern. :)
NE: Those bread rolls I made (with Sardinian honey, mmmm)
And some.. almost cold coffee :erk:
Why does my coffee always get cold so easily?

@Incendiare: All the best, hope you get better soon. :)

(DO NOT listen to PowerMetal, tis teh.. teh.. u_u,, eek)

Tebus said:
Dijorno pizza is coooking in the oven. :p
DIJORNO? *aargh*
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Thanks, guys. I'm feeling slightly better today. It comes and goes as it pleases.

Like OMG, did you say...power metal?! :p
Thanks, Steve. That's why I have a low iron level in general, I don't eat red meat. Listening to power metal would be the best alternative. :)