The Good Old Now Eating (and/or drinking)Thread!

Incendiare said:
Thanks, Steve. That's why I have a low iron level in general, I don't eat red meat. Listening to power metal would be the best alternative. :)
While reading this,
NF: :eek: OMG OMG, Don't give in, Incendiare! Noo Nooo

Incendiare said:
Actually, I was being sarcastic. :Smug:

NF: *phew* *teh relieved*
Power Metal? Neeeeeevar! :yell:

:grin: Good scheme!
NF: Ehm... I have to study French in a minute.
And I dont have any feelings, right now, actually..

One of my friends has returned from her holiday!!!! WooooooooooH! :grin:
NF: :grin:

Hahaha wrong thread!
Ah well. *shrugs*
Power metal is good :)
But is no alternative to DT :)

NE: Looking for vanilla coke...I only have one case now... I once has 16 cases of mountain dew...
guinness and crackers. will have ice-cream later. and fruits. if i don't pass out that is. :grin:
if i don't post till morrow send a squad for me :D
I discovered a new sort of breadroll here in Holland. It's called...... Viking! :grin: And it's teh nice. ("lekker" in Dutch ;)) With apple (tiiiiiny bits, prolly cos its expensive :rolleyes: ) and raisins. :) And a weird texture. :)
And ND: Bullit (=Energy Drink :dopey: ) and Ice Tea (Pesca)
@Wazoo: are apples expensive in Holland? they are damn cheap here, as well as pineapples and almost any fruit :)