The Good Old Now Eating (and/or drinking)Thread!

ND: Coffee, again
And some grapes I got yesterday :grin:
Where did my two bdaycakes, muffins and little cakes go then? :confused: (which I all made myself :loco: yeah, thats what you get when I get bored in teh holidays :p)(Well, relatively bored)
Haha, they're just berry-shaped candies that taste like lingonberries. I guess they only sell them in North America?...
JA: (Just Ate :p) My own-made Chicken-Curry-Ginger-andalittlebitcoconut-Dish :grin: Indian, btw. It was really good :grin: And I am quite proud of myself :p :rolleyes:

ND: Water. :/

opacity said:
NE: fried bug :confused:
i just fried potatoes, and as I put them out, i had a little bug on my plate...
fried of course :loco:

(no, not gonna eat it :grin: )

Mexicans do that..! :loco:

Right? :p
The Grand Wazoo said:
Mexicans do that..! :loco:

Right? :p
I once made this question to Thanatos, and next thing i know i'm married to him. So watch your mouth!!! :erk:

I found a great way to get caffiene quickly... I brewed a pot of espresso almost 100 times... took two hours but it was strong... mix an ounce with a glas of milk so you don't pass out from the strength of t...
Siren said:
I once made this question to Thanatos, and next thing i know i'm married to him. So watch your mouth!!! :erk:

OMG :-o u_u,,
*makes note* :p lol
But I dont get it.. How can teh fruit get old and extract flies and all, there's so much fruit and so cheap and I am soo jealous, still!!

ND: Water. :zzz: