The Grand Lyrics?

Benighted Joe

Oct 21, 2005
Stockholm, Sweden

I just thought of something... What if the the title "The Grand Conjuration"
actually allude to the recording of the D & D albums? Because of all the
problems and... Well, you know? :)

No, but seriously, I think that Opeth's lyrics rock, but they very seldom speak
clearly. Here's an example:

"Slake my thirst
Eternal wealth
Heathen key
Round my neck"

I don't think Mike is trying to make it complex nor is trying to make it very
unclear. He's simply attempting to create a feel - a mood - with his lyrics.
That's what I like doing, as well, but I'm usually a little more consistent. :Spin:

Btw, I heard Mike saying that one shouldn't think of their songs as
"very long songs", but rather as a composure of emotions. How very nice! :)

well I think all of Opeth's lyrics make sense, you just have to really look at them, sometimes he goes from 1st to 3rd person, sometimes he says something, then immediately goes into description, for example.....

Mike is saying slake his thirst with eternal wealth.....there is a heathen key around his neck....then shit gets heavy and he says something about satan assembling his flock....I picture the character in this song, to be one of the sheep being assembled by the flock. All of this affliction is caused by the heathen key, round his neck, and he wishes his thirst could be slaked with eternal wealth, but he wears a HEATHEN KEY round his neck.....what do you all think of that interpretation? i've throughly looked at all opeth lyrics, and i have to admit, it takes a while sometimes to understand them all, but throw another at me....
Heliotropic_Rose said:
Mike is saying slake his thirst with eternal wealth.....there is a heathen key around his neck....then shit gets heavy and he says something about satan assembling his flock....I picture the character in this song, to be one of the sheep being assembled by the flock. All of this affliction is caused by the heathen key, round his neck, and he wishes his thirst could be slaked with eternal wealth, but he wears a HEATHEN KEY round his neck.....what do you all think of that interpretation? i've throughly looked at all opeth lyrics, and i have to admit, it takes a while sometimes to understand them all, but throw another at me....

Hehe nice and flawless interpretation!

As I said I really enjoy there lyrics, but I'm used to lyrics that are a little more clear. I write poetry, lyrics and stuff myself so I'm not a complete dim-wit when it comes to this... :)

Really can't find another lyric I have trouble with... you have given me another angle to look at the lyrics with. thanx :)
This video is horrible, but most wideos of this genre are.

I hate the short edited version of this song.

I can understand why Mikael hates Roadrunner fucking up his music for video exposure.
Do you know why they call music videos promos? Because they promote, like adverts on TV. No one seems to complain when they cut together a minute long advert to show on TV for an album but when its a promo music video everyone kicks and screams.

Even if it was cut to 2 minutes thats still 2 minutes where Slipknot aren't on the screen you know?

People see the adverts on TV and buy the album (in theory) and the same with promo music clips. You don't complain about posters for films that they don't show the entire feature on the billboard, so why should a promo music advert be any different? Its a taster, thats all. Whether or not its a good taster is a different matter, but its still publicity for the band we all support and like I said, a few more minutes of airtime for good music.