
Pink Floyd - Animals, all Roger Waters lyrics on that album are great.

So called friend by PT has really good lyrics.

There are more but thats jsut a couple i can think off off the top of my head.
NeverIsForever said:
Note the date and time, as this is a historical moment. For once I actually agree with something said by Profanity.

You will fear me.
You will be afraid of me.

The meaning is the same, and either is correct alone. Mikael seems to have attempted to use both at once, and it doesn't work that way.

The only way you can say "fear of" is when you say something like "I have a fear of heights." But fear is then being used as a noun, not a verb.

I have a fear of you.
Fuck the fear sentence...

What the hell does "Souling in the midst of the moor" mean (Nectar)??

And I have to say that Dark Tranquillity have amazing lyrics.