How come Akerfledt never talks about his lyrics?

Don: :lol: Maybe I will sometime, but I'm pretty paranoid about releasing my stuff out quite honestly. :o

I'm getting a book published soon though. I had shown some poems to a local college professor, and she really liked them and wants to use them in her English class... That was back in January, and I've been putting it together ever since. :lol: Still not done yet either! Well, hopefully soon...
hey there, if you want to send some work to me to go on our site, then email me /// ... go to the pages . , and look in the menu, there is a writing section in there that needs contributions .. also if you do any art/ photography as well then we want your work ..

please have a look and let me know if you want some work on there ..

(by the way, if anyone didnt see this link elsewhere, please check out the exclusive opeth interview we just put on line last night .. wish we had asked about the lyrics now!! -
Some things are best left unknown.
If you knew the answers would you bother thinking about them anymore?
The lyrics are not so simple as to be related to in one listening, they are too obscure.
It's best just to think about the possibilities.... and the picture that is painted for you by the words.
I know that some of his song titles are from some other songs by other musicians.

Here are some interview quotes:

"How did you come with the title?"

There's a German band called Blackwater Park. They're an old band that is one of the ones that I'm collecting. They put out a pretty rare album called DARK BOX in 1971 that's pretty fucking hard to find, but I've got it! (laughs) I just like the name of the band and thought that it could suit an Opeth album, Y'know, we've done that in the past, basically stealing album titles from other bands. (laughs)

"(laughs) Did you take STILL LIFE from the Iron Maiden song?"

STILL LIFE, there's so many examples of that...y'know, Rolling Stones, Fates Warning, there's a band called Still Life and of course the Iron Maiden track, so y'know, there's so many. I like it.

"(Being hurried by label rep...) One quick question: Who is Melinda?"

(laughs) No one. She's a fictional character. I took her from this song by Uriah Heep called "Come Away Melinda"