The Great Pyramid of Giza

- To clarify, I'm not sure it's "perfectly" aligned "north" because "north" magnetic moves by thousands of miles every few hundred years, and "north" as geographic north is a recent definition. Other than that, apparently it could be done by simply taking the solstice positions of the rising and setting sun, and taking half of this angle, you get the north. However, it's true they made it quite precisely.
- I can find Pi in my cock proportions if I wanted to
- True that
- Do you believe people who say that ? We can build engines with parts with a precision enough to allow them to rotate 30 000 times a minute, easily. We should stop sensationalizing this, by simply saying "it's build with an incredible precision for that time". If we really wanted to, we would do much better nowadays, trust the old engineer in me
- I will relate again to the size of my cock, I can make up a calculation between the length of it and the distance earth/sun if you want, just give me time to make up a decent BS calculation. Do you really believe they could know the speed of light ?
- Yeah they are still there... but not all their other buildings, vehicles, cities... I'm sure in 3000 years you can find way more from our civilzation (proportions taken in consideration) than from old egypt. As amazing as they were, I don't see what is amazing about the fact the pyramids are still there, I mean, it is, but as in "wow omg they were so advanced".

You knew I was gonna post :grin:

Don't get me wrong, I am personally very amazed by the old egypt, and I used to study it a lot in my youth for fun, I even started learning hieroglyphs when I had too much free time, and all. I just don't like BS things like "you can find Pi in its proportions omg they were geniuses"

Anyway... we all know these are goa'uld vessels docks.

Magnetic north at the time of construction perhaps?
I throw shit away everyday that will be here in 20000 years.

Generally I agree with 006. The accomplishments of ancient civilizations are amazing. We don't need to sensationalize them to appreciate that.

You throw away giant stone structures built from the top on down, do ya? =P
The only stones i have found quoted to be in this size you are mentioning have been in Baalbek.
So all i have to say:

As for the pyramids, there are numerous explanations as to how they have moved these stones.. this is what i consider one of the most plausible ones:


How does that give you the distance light travels in 1/299,792,458 of a second in a vacuum(the current definition of a meter) or 1/10,000,000 of the distance from the equator to the north pole (the old definition)?

Even with all of the information you've described they'd have to arrive at the same arbitrary division to come up with a meter.
You say they didn't know the meter or couldn't know.

Well, why not ?

They knew the 60 base, used twelve hours clocks. You don't need to know about a cesium atom to make a clock and count seconds. They had water clocks, and probably knew how to calibrate the fuck out of them.

With this, they could have used the pendulum to define the meter. Which is the lenght the rope needs to be to travel to point B before being pulled back by gravity.
It's almost identical to our current meter.

^ If they know so much stuff about maths, stars and such, they probably knew that.

The water clocks that Egyptians used were very basic and not very accurate. They did not realize at the time that humidity and evaporation affected accuracy (diminishing flow). Furthermore, they were mostly used at night and not on a 24-hour basis. So, no, they weren't able to "calibrate the fuck out of them." The Chinese and Greco-Roman water clocks were much more advanced and accurate on the other hand, and took into account aforementioned affects, but that wasn't until hundreds of years later.

Almost identical to our current meter could mean anything depending on who you ask. To some, it's a lot more than to others. At the end of the day, not an accurate meter as defined currently, regardless.

What do you think they honestly knew about stars? No telescopes, no advanced mathematics, no computers to help tackle immense calculations, no space travel and so on... no real understanding of stars other than positions. That's not that big of a deal. I can take a rock and throw it in my yard, chances are that it'll line up with something in space at some point in time and I wouldn't even be trying.

You are trying to make the Egyptians out to be way more advanced than they really were. I appreciate what they were capable of for their time as much as the next guy, but there's no need to sensationalize it.
I've used 31 decimals after the decimals point.
Nothing rounded here.

Pi = 3,1415926535897932384626433832795
Pi/6 = 0,52359877559829887307710723054658
^ used as the cubit

Hypothenuse C = sqr(b^2+a^2)

Do it.

440 cubits is the base of the pyramid.

([sqr((440^2) x 2)] x Pi x Pi/6) - (440 x Pi x Pi/6) = 299,79575986714936629524626398064

The speed of light = 299,792458 Mm/s.

I don't see any twist in the math here, it's all very simple but yes it relies on our definition of the meter. But it's still awesome.

It's like saying, while the speed of light would reach around halfway between Uranus and Saturn after 1 hour (from the sun) the math derived thing with the pyramid would be almost at the same place but 11 886 km farther.

Or the equivalent of the lenght between the Pyramid of Giza and the Nevada
On a distance between the sun and somewhere between Jpiter and Uranus, the distance between Giza/Nevada is quite neglectable

But again, just feeding the fantastic aspect I guess. The speed of light is 572 Mega-cubits/s mofos ;P

You are absolutely making my point here. You're just using THE cubit that suits your need... I doubt they used a cubit acurate enough for your calculation to end up so close to the current speed of light value. It is awesome you end up with a random calculation so close to our current value yes, but that's about it. If the goal of the egyptians was to pass on their own knowledge in mathematics they would have FUCKING WRITTEN IT IN THEIR PYRAMID SO WE CAN READ IT AND GET IT and not HIDDEN IT IN THE PROPORTIONS OF THEIR PYRAMIDS AND NOT EVEN THEIR ACTUAL PROPORTIONS BUT THE DIVISION OF AN IMAGINARY CIRCLE PROPORTION TO ANOTHER ONE BOTH RELATIVE TO THE SQUARE BASE. Also, again, the meter is a recent invention, and it is a standard. When they were discussing about an universal standard, it could have been many things, they decided it should be "about that size" and thought about the quarter of a meridian 1/1O 000 000. The egyptians decided a good universal measure would be about the length of their elbow. Don't you see it's completely subjective to whoever decides the length of a unit ? In a parallel universe, they decided the meter would be something that would be 101cm to our standard, and your calculation would be wrong by 1%. In another one, they decided it would be an eight instead of a quarter, it would be 50cm to our current standard, and would be even closer to the egyptian royal cubit, and this parallel's world GGI would be even more enthusiastic because it would feed even more his fantasies. That's all

Also :

I know these threads can get pretty intense, and I'm not trying to start anything, but personally, this video made me think about a lot of things. I think that's what it's meant to do, make you think.

It's quite long, and just about everything gets wrapped up by the end except for a few things that even the presenter tells you are sketchy. So if you only watch 10-15 minutes of it, don't even bother commenting. Even with that said, the first time I watched it I was borderline laughing for the first 20 minutes or so... keep watching.

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The Royal cubit is 52.5 cm

"The royal cubit was 523 to 529 mm"
I don't see a point in repeating my self anymore.

You say they didn't know the meter or couldn't know.

Well, why not ?

Because they wouldn't know how long the meridian is, now would they?

They knew the 60 base, used twelve hours clocks. You don't need to know about a cesium atom to make a clock and count seconds. They had water clocks, and probably knew how to calibrate the fuck out of them.

This is completely irrelevant to the case and existed in several civilizations before the egyptians.

With this, they could have used the pendulum to define the meter. Which is the lenght the rope needs to be to travel to point B before being pulled back by gravity.
It's almost identical to our current meter.

^ If they know so much stuff about maths, stars and such, they probably knew that.

Yeah, you're absolutely right.. its absolutely logical that they invented the pendulum several thousand years before any historical accounts of it existing and then proceeded to randomly invent the same measurement that the French did in the late 1700's, all this by using a pendulum that had to have been calibrated to create these specific modern measurements which they wouldn't really need at all.. and of course the small differences in this meter wouldn't cause a displacement when building a huge pyramid spanning over several hundred meters.. so the measurements are still very valid.

Its fucking genius.. its so logical and makes so much sense that my mind fucking imploded.. wow.
Except that dude is moving blocks on flat, concrete platforms..... Wales and the South West of England is mainly moorland.

I think it's generally accepted that the stone for Stonehenge was moved from Wales on timber rollers and shear-legs.
What's illogical is to assume they built them and carved them with a rock and a little copper tool. And to beleive that it was built in 20 years, that's impossible. But yeah, you convinced me about the meter thing now.

However, the relation between Pi and Phi cannot be a coincidence, so no advanced maths ? Our current standard model could be wrong on so many levels so let's not assume we've got it all figured now. They might have known things we don't yet.

Put the pyramid aside for a while; so you guys would say without a doubt that we're actually the most advanced human civilisation to ever walk on the earth ?

The truth is, there just isn't any evidence to suggest that they didn't build the pyramids at Giza within 20 years and with copper tools. No amount of stargazing or introspective wonderment on your part is going to change that. It's the most rational and best guess we have got.
There are tons of evidence!
Where are you taking your assumptions ?
20 years means a block weighting many tons cut to the precision of a tenth of a milimeter, cut & placed at its place every 2 minutes 30 seconds.
What the fuck with wood and copper tools, and those blocks are not cubes, they have special forms

A large workforce got it done. That's all there is to it. There are parallels that can be drawn against medieval stone castles, but I wont bore you with the details. Fact is, "believers" such as yourself go out of their way to find something to make a conspiracy over... you types need marvel, suspicious, and magesty in your lives.... fuck knows why you can't just marvel at the notion that 30,000+ men build a massive pointy hill over the course of 20 years... no... it has to be aliens or some shit.

Case fucking closed.
Not very accurate ??

They counted 31 000 000 something seconds in a year.
It's still pretty accurate ! We count 31Ms in a year too. The error is small

No, they weren't, and no, they didn't. Their water clocks, as I already said and you skipped over apparently, suffered from diminishing flow, big time (no pun intended). Humidity, evaporation... counteracting those things is a huge part of having an accurate water clock. The ancient Egyptians did not even know or understand this, so how could their water clocks be accurate? Answer: they weren't.

And, again as I said, they did not use water clocks 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Priests used them at night most of the time. So, no, again, they did not count that many seconds a year. Water clocks was just a bad example, man.
There are tons of evidence!
Where are you taking your assumptions ?
20 years means a block weighting many tons cut to the precision of a tenth of a milimeter, cut & placed at its place every 2 minutes 30 seconds.
What the fuck with wood and copper tools, and those blocks are not cubes, they have special forms

2:30 yes, but that means 1 block at a time. There were thousands, or tens of thousands, of people working on the pyramid, they'd be a pretty piss poor workforce if they only did one block at a time.

Why is it so hard for you to believe they used copper and wood tools? They used them, we know this because we have found artifacts of them. We know this because that's all they could have had at the time. Copper in general is a soft metal, but not too soft to work on stone... Copper was also good enough for weapons until the next best metal was found, remember that.
What about the evidence of water erosion on the base of the Sphynx?
I think most modern egyptologists agree that the structures on the Giza plateau were built 5-7000 years ago (or something like that), but that area hasnt had enough water to cause that sort of erosion in 18-20000 years. If you think the pyramids were built by a Pharaoh that lived 5000 years ago, who built the Sphynx? And why is it that everything built by the egyptians AFTER the pyramids was of lesser quality and almost seems to be an attempt at emulation. The ancient egyptians did speak of a civilization that existed long before them called Zep Tepi (the First Time). Maybe it was this civilization that built these structures. Just playing Devil's Advocate here. I enjoy these types of discussions. And most of you guys seem pretty smart with all the math and everything.
First thing I get from googling it, fist paragraph from the first link I visit :

"During the fabled First Time or Zep Tepi, when gods, or aliens, ruled on Earth, the waters of the abyss receded, the primordial darkness was banished, and the human biogenetic experiment emerged from the light. The Urshu, a category of lesser divinities whose title meant The Watchers, preserved vivid recollections of the gods themselves, puissant and beautiful beings called the Neteru who lived on Earth with humans in the beginning."

What about the evidence of water erosion on the base of the Sphynx?
I think most modern egyptologists agree that the structures on the Giza plateau were built 5-7000 years ago (or something like that), but that area hasnt had enough water to cause that sort of erosion in 18-20000 years. If you think the pyramids were built by a Pharaoh that lived 5000 years ago, who built the Sphynx? And why is it that everything built by the egyptians AFTER the pyramids was of lesser quality and almost seems to be an attempt at emulation. The ancient egyptians did speak of a civilization that existed long before them called Zep Tepi (the First Time). Maybe it was this civilization that built these structures. Just playing Devil's Advocate here. I enjoy these types of discussions. And most of you guys seem pretty smart with all the math and everything.

By the way, 5k years ago, this area was maybe not a desert, and water/grass could have been there, maybe even by the time when they were building the pyramids. I have no idea about the sphynx and all, just saying

BTW what's with this "the sphynx is 10 000 years old" thing you're talking about ? The main theory is that it was built by a pharao, for many reasons (including its look which could be related to one or two of those because of his attributes), and until someone comes with a decent proof it was older than that, I don't know why you people would assume the truth is that it's 10k old or whatever ?