The Greatest Band Ever Formed?


METAL... nuff said!
Not really. Heh heh.

Jon Shaffer - Rhythm guitars
Dave Mustaine - Lead Guitars
Axl Rose - Vocals
Evan Seinfeld - Bass
Tommy Lee - Drums

What if there was a way to keep these guys together in one room longer than 5 minutes??? They'd call the band, "EGO".


Happy Monday Morning, y'all.

Jorn Lande-vocals
Randy Rhoads-Guitar
Yngwie Malmsteen-Guitar
Steve Digiorgio-Bass
Dave Lombardo-Drums
Marco Hietala - Bass/vocals
Jukka Nevalainen - Drums
Gus G - Lead/Rhythm guitars
Micheal Romeo - Lead/Rhythm guitars
Carlos Zema - Vocals

Miguel Spada - Keyboards (if needed)
um. From people alive...

Mattias Blad - vocals
Steve Vai - rythm/lead guitar
Mike Keneally - rythm/lead guitar/keys
Michael Manring - bass
Terry Bozzio - drums

Michael Eriksen - Vocal
Chris Quirarte - Drums
John Myung - Bass
Steve Vai - Guitar
Michael Romeo - Giutar

I SERIOUSLY hope you were joking..

Read the name that he gave his supergroup in the original post, and I think it will all make sense....

I think the point wasn't for everyone to list their supergroup - it was asking if there was enough concrete in the world to contain those 5 guys in four walls and a ceiling.