The guy with the long name is making the board look deformed


Sanity Assasin
Feb 4, 2002
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This should help nudge it down one :)

Did anyone pick up Megadeth's Rude Awakening?

I have to say it is very good and will be in my player for a fair bit.

Dave mustaine is Dave Mustaine when it comes to singing though, some of it sucks, some of it's good but there is some great little jams in there with the extended she wolf and bits in between songs.

Highlights for me have to be Ashes in Your Mouth. All of the tracks from peace sells and Hook in Mouth turned out great too. My favourites keep changing though, but i sure cant wait to get the DVD

yeah I love it... but then I am biased since I am a huge Megadeth fan... extended she-wolf is awesome, but then all of it is great. The DVD is going to be so cool. These guys still kick ass, regardless from what others might say, sure they aren't going to release RIP II but fuck what do you expect... I even like risk, hahaha some jaws might have just dropped, at first I was pissed like most but after a while you start to listen to the songs for what they are...
Originally posted by LSDphilosophy
yeah I love it... but then I am biased since I am a huge Megadeth fan... extended she-wolf is awesome, but then all of it is great. The DVD is going to be so cool. These guys still kick ass, regardless from what others might say, sure they aren't going to release RIP II but fuck what do you expect... I even like risk, hahaha some jaws might have just dropped, at first I was pissed like most but after a while you start to listen to the songs for what they are...

never give up hopes on a rust in peace 2. i myself, as would everyone love to see them release another album quite like this one.

Megadeth themselves have talked about wanted to make this sort of music again for the next studio album so lets just keep our fingers crossed :)

The thing with risk is i can enjoy it as it was a one off but if they were to continue doing that sort of thing, i think i would have a different opinion. All you can do is respect them taking a 'risk' but im glad they aren't sticking with it.
My problem with Megadeth is basically that I think Dave lost his edge, and well, they lost Nick. I loved Nick, I think he made the band really, even though his solo album is the worst thing ever recorded. Either way, I really don't get what is going on with the band. The riffs aren't as strong, definately the drumming isn't either, and also the songs are generally slower, and they try to be hook oriented. Just my opinion, but I think that Risk was crap, and The World Needs a Hero was worse because they tried to be metal again, and it just didn't come across. It sounded fake to me. Don't hate me, still love Megadeth, and would go to see them at any chance, and still will buy everything the second it comes out.
tom arya is having a go at him now, he will get his asskicked....
I don't know if I would say Dave lost his edge... Dave has always been Dave, that Mustaine attitude... sure he did some other things musically and he quit drugs but now he is trying to get back to what he knows and loves... yeah araydid let some things rip on him, I am sure Araya is bitter from some shit Dave pulled on him in the past in some drunken doped up haze hahahaha... Dave is still the king in my book
like wd...
know the roots, before you judge, stay & know the board the twists and gives, the writers, all of them make some interesting comments, actually I have leanrt quite a bit. Also DAVE, has commented on every megadeath song ever done, its onthe net. somewhere.

They do still have it, it's just using it again that will be the next task.

Hopefully the next album will show us as there was a period of time where mustaine on the megadeth boards was emphasising alot about returning to the thrash roots not too long ago and various evidence has favoured it from other interviews and posts.

Check out this very promising interview if you have the time with Al Petrelli

I look forward to it.

TL, was the site called the 'realm of deth' or something? i remember it having all album summaries from dave but not song by song.
its there
I thought RISK was a shocker...he was trying to be a vampire...

hi dave, I know you read this.
that their last studio album was a metal album again...but it was really uninspired...Only a couple of songs are good enough and the rest is either crap or copies of their past...
I love Megadeth...especially their 3 albums RIP, Countdown and Youthanasia...but i believe that they have nothing else to offer to music...Dave plays metal for the money...

and if u disagree try asking yourselves this question :

If YOU had a new band The World Needs A Hero that nobody knew and YOU released the "The World Needs A Hero " album....

1. Would anyone give it more than a 7?
2. Would anyone care about it?

I'm SURE nobody would...
Still though i'm happy they are back to metal...and i wish they try something better than "The World Needs A Hero" but I'm not really optimistic about that...Dave is a genius...but i believe that the flame is not inside him anymore...He will go on releasing ok albums like doing any other job...