The Halo Effect - New Album 2023/2024

Is he still saying DZ is coming back? I know every few years at one point he'd say that but it never happened. It would indeed be very cool to get a new DZ album.
Last I heard it was “active” with Andy from Amaranthe being recruited for vocals. Never seen or heard anything even from within the studio, much less any actual music from it.
Then this might be the longest amount of time that any metal musician has put into doing something.

Giving Jari from Wintersun a run for his money for sure.

Last I heard it was “active” with Andy from Amaranthe being recruited for vocals. Never seen or heard anything even from within the studio, much less any actual music from it.

I liked Andy's vocals for Amaranthe. Would be different to Jocke but not necessarily worse. I get the feeling it's a dead project though.
It definitely wouldn't be the same. Jocke's style is quite distinctive. The only person who could have given a similar vibe, that I can think of, would have been Lindberg before his voice got fucked up. Obviously nowadays he can't produce the same level of performance.
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I have to agree there— It’s why the TJR version of Dead Eternity doesn’t do nearly as much for me. Anders does well, but Jocke simply completes the song. As much as I would love to see what Andy could do in DZ, Jocke is simply on another level.
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No Halos in Hell and The Vertigo trigger can go easy, but I’m not really sure about the other three, much less all together. I will admit though, to me the biggest thing for DZ is the vocals. Everything else is kind of hit and miss, it’s just incredible when it hits.
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Yes. I like DZ but it's never been a really important band or some with a big impact amongst the metal community. So, reviving it will be just for fun. Also, having in mind that Jesper's contribution was mostly trivial, it makes even less sense.
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