I’m in the US, so I just got to listen to it. I’ll be honest, it’s alright. Going from Days of the Lost to this really does show the improvement in Stanne’s vocals, and that’s fucking awesome. The bass is nice, and I’m glad it’s audible.
But even though the faster pace is a welcome change, I can’t say I’m in love with the guitarwork the same way I could about many of the songs on Days of the Lost— And Jesper’s my favorite guitarist, so his increased involvement should be a home run, but it just isn’t. It’s nice to listen to it multiple times and notice that it isn’t actually just a safe single and that the structure is surprisingly adventurous. That’s really cool, but something about it just isn’t gripping me the way I was hoping.
I hadn’t noticed it until now, but fuck does the drum sound not only on this suck, but also on The Defiant One and Become Surrender. The snare sounds so fucking plastic, though at least the hits in The Defiant One are strong (Daniel’s playing, not the kit itself) and at least there’s some reverb or something applied in Become Surrender that gives more of a lasting impact. There’s nothing of the sort here, and I’m seriously worried for the album in that aspect. The cymbals are at least louder, that’s cool— Especially given that cymbals just didn’t exist in Endtime Signals— but when the rest of the kit sounds as weak as it does here, it’s really, really bad. They were certainly better in Days of the Lost and Path of Fierce Resistance (Which yeah, was from DOTL’s recording sessions), even if they weren’t as crisp or natural sounding as on albums like Colony, Clayman, and Come Clarity. Hell, even Reroute has a vastly preferable drum sound.
I don’t know, it’s a huge mixed bag for me, and I’ve gone from being insanely hyped for the album to being somewhat worried.