The Halo Effect - New Album 2023/2024

Fascinating to see that there is one single show where they didn’t play Gateways. I really hope there weren’t any big Gateways fans at that show.

The Most Alone’s been played the least out of any full song, and I completely understand that. I think it’s the least suited for a live setting, and it’s my personal least favorite song of theirs— Which isn’t to say it’s bad, it just does nothing for me.
Maybe? Anders have been palying OFTW since 2000 and he still cannot sing the verses right.

Yeah, but these are professional musicians we're talking about.

At some point down the line, if The Halo Effect goes the way of In Flames (unlikely), people will be begging for setlists like that one. I guess this is what happens when you only have one album. I'm surprised they haven't thrown a cover or two in there just to shake things up a bit. THE playing an At The Gates or Entombed cover would be pretty cool.
Yeah, but these are professional musicians we're talking about.

At some point down the line, if The Halo Effect goes the way of In Flames (unlikely), people will be begging for setlists like that one. I guess this is what happens when you only have one album. I'm surprised they haven't thrown a cover or two in there just to shake things up a bit. THE playing an At The Gates or Entombed cover would be pretty cool.
7 months since the last new track, which was a DotL B-Side. Come on lads, hurry up and get something fresh out there.
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They're teasing it. I'm guessing in the next couple of weeks promotion is going to start. They've heavily hinted that their headline tour in January will be supporting their new album, so I would be surprised if we don't get a single sometime this month.
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New album - Early january 2025, before the tour
First single - september
All new songs, become surrender and defiant one confirmed as leftovers, will not be included.
Anyways, we're getting close now
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New album - Early january 2024, before the tour
First single - september
All new songs, become surrender and defiant one confirmed as leftovers, will not be included.
Anyways, we're getting close now

I assume you mean January 2025, else they've missed their deadline by a significant margin :rofl:
Someone uploaded Path of Fierce Resistance replacing Mikael for Anders and it's painful to hear.
Probably used the modern version of Anders for the voice model. Should sound fine with a voice model from Colony/Clayman era.