The Halo Effect - New Album 2023/2024

I just don't trust them anymore when it comes to timelines tbh. I'll believe it when I see it at this point.
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Finally, straightforward and logical reasoning for the album’s delay— Even if it’s what we already figured, it’s just nice to hear them actually tell people how it is.

The way they’re describing the album inspires confidence too. Niclas and Jesper are writing together, and while it’s not a huge departure from DotL, they’ve made sure that new songs don’t remind people too much of old songs and were probably more adventurous with the songwriting. I hope Mikael and Peter are on the mark with that because that’s everything I want the follow-up to be. Should they have gotten everything right, it’ll have been well worth the wait.

Here’s to hoping, anyways.
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I think we can be confident (finally) of an early 2025 release, simply because it coincides with their headlining tour. It would be pretty shit if they went on tour again with only DotL having been released after 3 years or so.

I believe last time Niclas wrote most of the material and Jesper came in to the process later to basically add some finishing touches and contribute a couple of songs of his own (from memory Conditional and Last of our Kind) - whereas this time it sounds like it'll be much more of a Niclas/Jesper joint effort, which I'm really excited about. I'm itching to hear some genuine new material, so I hope we'll get to hear something in the next few months. Shadowminds came out roughly 9 months before DotL was released, so it isn't beyond the realms of possibility that we might get a single from a genuine new song (not DotL leftover) around September time, maybe?