The Halo (warning: epic poem)


Dragon of the Aesir
Mar 3, 2002
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She withers and melts
Her wings slide off
And her halo becomes empty
Floating there all alone
As her innocence disappears
What caused this, I wonder how
Did this start? Who left you alone?

She knew not what this was
And she thought it would last
"He truley loves me, wants to be with...."
Forever and ever; how long is that?
Bliss and love filled her mind
As he praised her beauty so rare
Fresh flesh and pale skin
For the hunter to spoil
Make rotten, leave to decay
His dark eyes enlightened her's
Cinnamon and milk in the darkened room
Far away from her home

To be murdered after would have been better
Then to leave her at home
Drenched in tears and all alone
Just like her halo and molting wings
So young a girl fashioned into prey
Made a harlett with out her consent
"I thought he loved me,
Thought something was to be"
Disgusted and ashamed
She still craved more
But staying firm to her word
"A whore I shall not become"
Unfortunately, temptation to her
Is like herion to the addict

She saw through the other girls
"What sluts, what a disgrace to all"
As her inner self screamed for more
Tembled she did
When the thought became an offer
In both angst and desire
Inside begging for more
"I won't have any of it. What dishonor!"
She cursed out the other girls
Accusing them in penned up rage
But who is she to blame?

As thoughts of him seep in her mind
Her eyes became bewildered with pain
She shouted out loud
"I will not reduce myself for man!
I will not bow, nor knee, before anyone!"
But deep down inside she longed
But what will the Gods think?
She degraded and cursed
Til there was nothing left
But her halo, dull and tarnished
Hovering all alone in the shadows
Crying deperately to her
"Tis normal my darling, 'tis alright to lust"
But her concience wove a web of nitric acid
And her morals surged through her
Like the bullet that layed her mind to rest
And her desires at ease

Now her halo still does cry
And if you are one like her, you will hear
The halo's still pleading words
All alone in the shadows
"Tis normal my darling....tis better to lust
Than to die regretful and young"
ah thanks :) I was trying to get sort of an olden feel/rhythem to it, tho it's based on an accual occurance, but with a different ending (otherwise it would have went on and on....). Hopefully I didn't make it too cut and dry or long; I just think I could have made it flow better.
Flow better maybe, but if it was any shorter there would be some crucial things missing, so it's the right length for the subject at hand.