The Hard Report


Pillock of society
Apr 16, 2001
I hear this radio programme on RRR is no longer. Does anyone know why exactly? Did Tony just get sick of doing it? I hadn't listened it for a few weeks, so wasn't aware until afterwards......
Thanks, Jo. Fuck RRR, fuck them to hell! First they cut the show from 4 to 2 hours a few years ago, and now they get rid of it altogether. I stopped subscribing when they cut it back. I'll have to check out the new one though, as any metal show is worth supporting. Do you know why RRR decided to cut The Hard Report? I've been listening to it since it was Metalmorphosis in the first half of the 90s.

Yeah the Red Stink of Metal was tops. Tuesday (or was it Weds then?) nights used to be great on PBS. I signed the petition....