The hardest part about Prog Power...

Michael TEOF

Master Whorebot
Mar 4, 2002
Schaumburg, IL
... is that we have 14 bands who's songs I'm trying to memorize... so I can recognize and follow along as they play. I've been listening to nothing but Prog Power bands like Evergrey, Jorn, and Mercenary lately. I have the new Iron Maiden but I haven't listened to it because I'm afraid I'm going to like it so much, I'll stop doing my homework for the concert.

I'm one of those freaks that likes to know every song by the band as they play it. I hate when a kick ass song comes on from one of my favorite bands... and I'm spending 5 minutes at war in my head trying to determine which song they are playing. Last year at Prog Power, the band I was most thrilled about seeing was Angra and I knew every song instantaneously until they whipped out "Never Understand." I was like... this is a freakin' awesome song, and I can't recognize it.

This year I may as well give up though, because every band with the exception of Evergrey and maybe Pyramaze is going to have plenty stuff I won't know. I'll probably know all of Vision Divine's set too, but only because they, sadly, probably won't touch the Fabio material. And I probably won't know all of Epica's songs... as I simply cannot get into their debut album at all.

I've been listening to the new Mercenary non-stop lately, mostly because I think it's one of the best albums of '06, but maybe I shouldn't be. Maybe Mercenary won't play a single song from this album... since it's too new. Which would really suck... because I will absolutely NEED to hear songs like "Soul Decision" and "Lost Reality."

The Michael
You're not alone. My MP3 jukebox and my MP3 player have both had a PP playlist the last couple of weeks. That's about 380 songs from all the bands playing over the 3 days.

Steve in Philly
That was my plan too. Then I realized how much it would cost me to do so. So now I just will be entertained. Its kind of fun actually, to then go back and listen to the albums and say 'hey they played that one live!'

I do wish I could sing along with the songs though when everybody else is. I just have a horrible memory for lyrics.
I have been listening to ProgPower band songs for the last 2 weeks almost nonstop and still like you will not be able to know them all. Epica I just can;t get into that much. The Maiden btw is a disappointment to me.
I don't think I need to listen to Epica anymore. :lol:

I like to know all the songs too.. but.. I have too many CDs :D
I know what you mean. It is hard and too expensive though to get ALL the discs by all the bands playing a fest. Sometimes though it is cool to just sit back and take it all in, and then play catch up afterwards.

This way too, you may realize which albums to possibly stay away from.
I like to sing along too, but what really kills me is that one of my favorite bands this year, Circle II Circle is playing an ENTIRE new album that no one's even heard. To make matters worse, it's a concept album so I'll be spending most of the show hearing songs I don't know and try to figure out the story. That and hoping they still have enough time to do some of my favorite CIIC and Savatage songs.

As for the rest of the bands, I've been listening to as much material as I can too. Yesterday was Savage Circus, today Thunderstone! I can't wait til PPVII!!
I've been doing this for a few months. 190 some odd songs on my USB drive, and ipod, and car. I've definitely grown more attached to some bands than others. Impossible to learn everything though... i was only able to learn the lyrics to about half of CM's set last year, that was it. I've given up this year, I just don't have the memory for that anymore.

FYI in the mercenary chat they said they will be playing songs from the new cd. They wouldn't give ANY hints on their setlist though, all of them have been very strict on that. They did say there would be a "surprise", dunno what that means... and also you can probably take Supremacy v2.0 off your playlist, they've never played it live and according to them don't have any plans too... though this very well could be the surprise... who knows.

Can't wait!!!
It's just impossible to know every single song. But it's ok. We will enjoy it anyway. And I have more fun knowing some songs from every band than knowing all the setlist from just one band. (imo)
Actually I like to be somewhat familiar with the material but
enjoy hearing things I've never heard before; often I'll even
stop listening to the featured bands a few weeks before the
show just so I'll get into it more!
I'm trying to get to know all the songs as well. My Ipod is filled just with Prog Power bands!!!! Although right now I'm listening to the new Maiden, and I'm not liking it to much.
I gave up trying to keep up with all the bands that got selected for ProgPower. I just don't have enough money to blind buy cds from those bands I don't know. Too hard. So I'll go, watch the bands. Those bands I am new to that really rock me, Ken Golden is right there and so I can give him more money to go along with my soul.

But like evil said...the hardest part is going home after so many days. Big Time PostProgPOwer Withdrawal Syndrome sufferer here.

I've been taking the opposite approach where Freak Kitchen is concerned. I am familiar with all the bands except them, other than knowing their name for a while. I am deliberately avoiding any samples, CDs, or telepathically broadcast audio of their work. That way, I can be completely surprised by what I hear!

metalprof said:
I've been taking the opposite approach where Freak Kitchen is concerned. I am familiar with all the bands except them, other than knowing their name for a while. I am deliberately avoiding any samples, CDs, or telepathically broadcast audio of their work. That way, I can be completely surprised by what I hear!


You are torturing yourself! Give in! You will be assimilated! :heh:

Aeturnia said:
Truer words were never spoken...:erk:

I agree. Some years its freakin downright depressing.....Its like we wait for a great thing all year, have the time of our lives and them voila!! its over and as Glenn once put it, back to our daily mundane lives LOL


PS - its more than worth it
Bear said:
I agree. Some years its freakin downright depressing.....Its like we wait for a great thing all year, have the time of our lives and them voila!! its over and as Glenn once put it, back to our daily mundane lives LOL


PS - its more than worth it

But then you have it to look forward to again next year! It's all good :)
Definitely more than worth it...
