The hardest part about Prog Power...

Michael TEOF said:
... is that we have 14 bands who's songs I'm trying to memorize... so I can recognize and follow along as they play.

I considered doing the same thing. But decided against it as it would take time away from listening to Evergrey and Mercenary.:headbang: I did pick up the following though: Jorn, Pyramaze, Circle II Circle, Zero Hour so at least I'll be somewhat familiar with some of the bands. There's just not enough free time in the day to listen to it all.

I've been listening to nothing but Prog Power bands like Evergrey, Jorn, and Mercenary lately. I have the new Iron Maiden but I haven't listened to it because I'm afraid I'm going to like it so much, I'll stop doing my homework for the concert.

Haven't picked up with new Iron Maiden for exactly the same reason.

I'm one of those freaks that likes to know every song by the band as they play it.

We're all freaks my friend. :zombie: :loco: :cool:

I've been listening to the new Mercenary non-stop lately, mostly because I think it's one of the best albums of '06,

YES! I wasn't sure how many Mercenary fans were out there. After being completely blown away by 11 Dreams, I'm lovin' The Hours that Remain. It's definitely got a shot at being my top album for '06.

but maybe I shouldn't be. Maybe Mercenary won't play a single song from this album... since it's too new. Which would really suck... because I will absolutely NEED to hear songs like "Soul Decision" and "Lost Reality."

The Michael

I would think they are going to play at least 4 songs from the new album and considering this is PROG Power I would think that Lost Reality would play really well to this crowd. Aside from being one of the best songs on the new album it's rather proggy. I'll bet you a tall cold beer that they do play Lost Reality. :kickass:

As of right now, I'm doing my homework. Listening to Pyramaze's "Melancholoy Beast". My Ipod only has a playlist with this year's ProgPower performers. Unfortunately couldn't get a hold of Freak Kitchen, everything else is covered. I've had to sacrifice the new Maiden, Dream Theater, Blind Guardian (well, I gotta admit I cheated with the new Maiden, which is amazing IMO). But after PP is going to be a huge line of CD's waiting to blow the speakers to pieces, kicking off with Blind Guardian.:headbang:
I know the music of some of the bands, and don't know by any by some of the others. I can get into a show even if I don't know a note of the music, if the band is putting on a good performance. I actually really enjoy when a band that I know nothing about (like Stride last year) comes out and blows me away.

See you people in a week...

I'm really glad to see/hear that I am not the only ProgPower attendee who likes to try to become as familiar as I can with all the bands that are playing. I'm also glad to see/hear that I am not the only person who cannot complete this task in full. I frequently feel like such a loser becuase the guys I come with always seem to know every word and every part of the every song that the PP bands play. That's probably because 3 out of 5 of them work at a music store, so they get to spend their "working" hours listening to all those bands ... I guess maybe I'm just holding myself to their higher standard. It's good to know that I'm not the only one without that kind of memory capacity.

I've been trying to listen to as much of the PP bands as I can, more so recently than earlier this year. I'm still lacking in the pre-show area. I need to listen to more of those bands, but other than that I'm pretty familiar with at least a little bit of every other band that will be playing on Friday and Saturday - The only exception being Freak Kitchen, who no one I know has been able to buy any of their stuff for one reason or another.

I think I'll have a great time no matter what, as long as I know some of each of the bands sets. And I have to agree ... the hardest part about ProgPower is not learning all the material ... it's saying goodbye at the end of the weekend...

But then there's always next year! :headbang:
Andy Laudano said:
I like to sing along too, but what really kills me is that one of my favorite bands this year, Circle II Circle is playing an ENTIRE new album that no one's even heard. To make matters worse, it's a concept album so I'll be spending most of the show hearing songs I don't know and try to figure out the story. That and hoping they still have enough time to do some of my favorite CIIC and Savatage songs.

As for the rest of the bands, I've been listening to as much material as I can too. Yesterday was Savage Circus, today Thunderstone! I can't wait til PPVII!!

Zak has to do some Sava tunes or I'll :cry: like a baby! Shane, you don't want to see a grown man cry do you? :)
Being familiar with the material definately increases the enjoyment value for me. I usually do buy CD's to do my homework if I don't already have them. For the bands new to me that I'm most interested in I may buy the entire back catalog. I also seek out recent playlists, and focus on those songs. Playlists are like Metal CliffsNotes.
Evil said:
the hardest part is going home after 4 great days...

Agreed. I can't tell you how sad I feel at the airport going home. It's like for just a few days we're in some sort of paradise and then reality hits.

Or better yet, it's like that "letdown" after Xmas you used to get as a kid. There's such a build up of excitement and then you don't know what to do for the rest of Xmas vacation.

I agree with Bear though - it's sooooooo worth it!
Michael TEOF said:
who's songs I'm trying to memorize...
After this start of your posting, I was sured that you were going to say The hardest part about Prog Power ... is your little friend while hugging DC Cooper. :heh: I still can't believe that we danced together during PC69. I will miss you the most this year.
I'm spinning PP cds in the office most of the day, sometimes even in meetings and in production areas, as I work with a laptop. Of course, I get all the weird looks. :zombie: I'm used to it by now.

Playing Savage Circus during a meeting makes it a lot more interesting.
Evil said:
the hardest part is going home after 4 great days...

Yep...that feeling of loss as you pack and get ready for checkout on Sunday morning, knowing that it won't happen again for another year.

It's doubly hard for me, 'cause I just went through awesome-4-day-weekend "withdrawal" after Dragon*Con, and now two weeks later, it'll happen again.

Oh, well. A price I'll happily pay for those most-awesome times in between!
Pellaz said:
Yep...that feeling of loss as you pack and get ready for checkout on Sunday morning, knowing that it won't happen again for another year.

It's doubly hard for me, 'cause I just went through awesome-4-day-weekend "withdrawal" after Dragon*Con, and now two weeks later, it'll happen again.

Oh, well. A price I'll happily pay for those most-awesome times in between!

One of these years ill get to Dragon*Con...
Pellaz said:
Yep...that feeling of loss as you pack and get ready for checkout on Sunday morning, knowing that it won't happen again for another year.
Oh, man, you are soooo right. That truly is the worst feeling. I always make sure I have a show lined up for the next week to try to help with the withdrawel. This year, Kamelot/Epica. It'll help.:cool:
I'll second Epica's Consign to Oblivion album!

I've tried so hard to learn about the bands playing here, and as a result I've really gotten into Mercenary and Pyramaze. But I'm too poor to purchase CDs by all the bands blindly.

I've looked forward to my first PP for so long I don't know what I will do when it's over...