the harmonizing on orchid


Knight of Gondor
Nov 6, 2002
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when i listen to orchid on my computer throuhg my headfones it enables me to listen to loads of peter lindgreens guitar work, which is normally hard to hear as mikeal's work is normally louder.
And fuck me! it makes me realise just how talented mikael akerfeldt is, the parts he wrote for peter are incredible, how he harmonises the two parts together is unbeleiveable. i cant get my head around how he does it.
Yeah, you're constantly hearing 2 melodies out of each speaker that combine completely flawlessly into one thing... that's why Orchid is such a damn special album... you can see that alot of thought went into those riffs.
Let me tell you that I've been listening to metal for many years and Orchid is just phenomenal!!!!. "In mist she was standing" is played about 3 times before I go on with the rest of the songs.
I can't wait to see them in L.A.
Orchid is really great, but apparently there are (or were) plenty of bands that sound like this running around in Sweden! ...Mr. Akerfeldt mentions in interviews how they specifically wanted to get away from the constant harmonizing to avoid sounding like a typical swedish metal band...hence the evolvement past Morningrise...makes sense...anyone know of any of the Swedish bands that sound like this (I'd like to hear some)?
Orchid was the first one I got and it's still my favorite. I hope to see them when they come to L.A. and I would be superhappy if they played In Mist She Was Standing.
Well, for the most part (on Orchid especially) the different guitar parts are on different speakers. I think that Peter is the left speaker (again, on Orchid), but I'm not sure - somebody will correct me if I'm wrong.
Now, I got to listen to The Apostle In Truimph in my headphones. Sounds so awesome in headphones.

Orchid is just so full of mind blowing riffs. Morningrise, too. They are the best Opeth albums IMO and Deliverance sounds closer to them than recent ones.