the hayfever/harry potter thread


Apr 13, 2002
right, I have two questions for you fellow board members:

1) Do you suffer from hayfever? How badly? How do you cope?

2) Are you a Harry Potter fan?

I know the two don't mix, I just think I might be pushing my luck if I decided to start two threads.
1. you know.

2. i'd like to become a proper harry potter fan if i had the chance *nudge, wink* :rolleyes:

i also have a question to add:

3. how many times have you had your car stereo stolen?

kthxbye. :cry:

1. Bad enough to need antihistamines through May, I'm ok June, July and August though.

2. No, that damned brat seriously tries my patience, wish Malfroy would fry him.

3. No times, but I once had my bag set on fire :D
i am not responsible for dysfunction in international shipping of cultural entertainment, rahvin. :)

nobody ever stole my car stereo, also because it is embedded in the car and it would not be easy; but i got my car removed a bubuawful number of times.

@dj: i intended "the series", not the annoying boy-who-lived. and it's Malfoy, not Malfroy, you bubu :)
1) No, I'm glad to say.

2) No but my god do I envy the woman who wrote that series! If only I liked kids, maybe then I could write something similar and become filthy rich myself...

3) No, I haven't had the pleasure of actually owning a car yet
1/ No, must be the worst kind of allergy.....

2/well.....i´ve just seen the second movie....Sometimes HP's face makes me wanna slap him :devil: But generally,it would be interesting to read one of the books soooooooooooooooome day..... maaaaaaaaaybe.....
For now i prefer magic stuff "for adults",like Nanny Oggs,Rincewind blah blah :p

3/ i don't have a car nor i want to get brrrrrrrr :cry:
1. no allergy
2. i have never nor will i ever read a potter book or watch a film of this crap.
3. zero times. one more good reason for motorbikes :p you just can't break in :)
@mel: i don't think harry potter is so much more for young adults than discworld, aside from some rather sassy sexual jokes in pratchett. i think basically it being for "children" just means it is suitable for people younger than 14-y-o.

my conclusion on the replies to this thread is that most of you hate harry potter while loving, for instance, the lord of the rings because:

a) you wanna look metal, and children stories are for pussies;

b) lord of the rings shouts "l33t" while harry potter screams "mainstream, not tr00" so you stick to the former;

c) you falsely assume lord of the rings to be longer, and therefore automatically better. :p

Actually, I'm not much of a fan of either, but the character of Harry Potter really winds me up, I can't stand him ;)
Give me the Wheel of Time may not be metal, but it sure as hell is the best fantasy series out there...
Followed of course by anything by David Eddings. Except High Hunt.
Dark_Jester said:
Give me the Wheel of Time may not be metal, but it sure as hell is the best fantasy series out there...

of course this is nothing but the unadulterated truth. wot would eat and digest miss rowling, then spit out the bones for trollocs to make a soup with.

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1- No hay fever...

2- Yes i am, as would be anyone who actually read the book! Been waiting for #5 for almost 3 years now :)

3- not yet
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rahvin said:
i also have a question to add:

3. how many times have you had your car stereo stolen?

kthxbye. :cry:


This goes to show that I need to start reading the thread completely before I post, lol.

Never, which is good, because if I ever caught anyone fukin with my shit, I would go to jail for sure, lol.