Today is the Day

Volxzorn said:
Does anyone know how to tell that f***ing bitch of a Real Player NOT to drop the bitrate from 177 to 32 DURING the broadcast. Who implemented this stupid feature anyway? What's the point in waiting for the song to stream if the player(!) reduces it the same crappy quality as the rip?! I know why I never liked this thing..

For some reason, mine says 32 Kbits in the beginning, and then drops to 16 and stays there the whole song. :erk:

Edit: That's strange. The third time i played it, it says 176kbit all the time but the sound quality is changing sometimes.
Now this makes it almost a duty for the T3 people to rip the song and post it here so that Opeths wish to have fans hear it the way it's meant to be shall be fulfilled.
I have a T1, but it seems the RR site can't stream the damn thing fast enough. Thats probably why Real Player is automatically adjusting the quality
Excuse me, but wasn't that the idea in the first place? To put the stream online because Opeth was pissed off by the bad quality of the bootleg and, now that it's been leaked, wanted the fans at least to hear it properly
Ok, that might be a point. But the thing is, the first couple of seconds the quality is actually excellent, and then suddenly the bitrate drops. I cannot imagine that to be part of some RR masterplan to have people hear the song half great and half crappy. I don't know if it's due to the player or to RR, but I think you would agree that it just plain sucks, wouldn't you?
I think its a mixture of Real Player being shitty as well as the RR site not sending the data fast enough. I measured the bandwidth and while its loading its doing about 24KB/sec then it drops to about 8KB/sec while its playing.
Well, let's hope that instead of the link to the stream there will be some news on RR tomorrow like: "Coz of the whining and nagging of those annoying and pathetic Opeth fanboys we just skip the whole stream thing and send the album to the record stores right now. It should be available everywhere tomorrow. We hope you choke on it!"
Hmmph.. Trying to download it with CoCsoft Stream Down, but it won't seem to work. All I get is a connection error.

Either it's getting blocked by the server, or it's the high traffic.
I might be able to put something up im getting 200kbps. It depends if whether my wireless decides to behave as its breaking the stream.