Ghost Reveries Compared to the other albums

lolololz ~!CHEA BOI!~

i personally love TGC. yes, it has some extensive repetition, but the melodies are awesome. in addition, its one of opeth's faster songs. lopez's drumming is smashing, especially his fusion of bongos and high hat. lastly, per's keyboarding really shines.

a really evil sounding song...especially the outro, when the distorted strings/mellotron kicks in. i love it.
I find it to be a very shallow album in comparison to the rest of their work.

It lacks emotional substance, it lacks lyrical intelligence (in comparison to past works), it is too exposed, too colourful and too fucking accessible. And most importantly, it is too positive. The only half decent song is GoP, even then it is lacklustre in comparison to their back catalogue.

Ghost Reveries for me takes the number one spot for most disappointing album. It's just an awful piece of work. It leans away from extreme metal entirely imo.

I flat out refuse to buy it, even second hand. I hope that they redeem themselves on their next recording, otherwise I can definitely say they've lost a devoted fan.
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I find it to be a very shallow album in comparison to the rest of their work.

It lacks emotional substance, it lacks lyrical intelligence (in comparison to past works), it is too exposed, too colourful and too fucking accessible. And most importantly, it is too positive. The only half decent song is GoP, even then it is lacklustre in comparison to their back catalogue.

Ghost Reveries for me takes the number one spot for most disappointing album. It's just an awful piece of work. It leans away from extreme metal entirely imo.

I flat out refuse to buy it, even second hand. I hope that they redeem themselves on their next recording, otherwise I can definitely say they've lost a devoted fan.

So basically it isn't metal enough for you.:Smug:
Lacks lyrical intelligence?
It seems just as ambiguous and dark as any other opeth albums to me...but I'm not a seasoned fan.
Too fucking accessible?
I just don't see that at all...I could play Ghost Reveries for everyone I know and most would say that's awful. Some would cry and run away, and some might shit their pants in fear. I don't call that accessible :)
my opinion on GR has been up and down. it's obvious that it's a good album. but against BWP, MAYH, and SL (yes, the inescapable back catalog comparison), it's sort've out of its league

but really, if I had to make any point at all, it'd be that I don't care where the album "stands", I enjoyed it regardless, and I'm lookin forward to the next one
I find it to be a very shallow album in comparison to the rest of their work.

It lacks emotional substance, it lacks lyrical intelligence (in comparison to past works), it is too exposed, too colourful and too fucking accessible. And most importantly, it is too positive. The only half decent song is GoP, even then it is lacklustre in comparison to their back catalogue.

Ghost Reveries for me takes the number one spot for most disappointing album. It's just an awful piece of work. It leans away from extreme metal entirely imo.

I flat out refuse to buy it, even second hand. I hope that they redeem themselves on their next recording, otherwise I can definitely say they've lost a devoted fan.

I'm afraid I can't agree with your rigorous (sic) analysis. Too exposed, too colourful, too accessible too positive...these aspects may go against your personal taste (as they do mine) but a large proportion of highly esteemed music has them, even in extreme metal. No, the biggest problem with GR lies in structuring. Many (not all) of the riffs have ostensibly been written in isolation from the rest of the peace: they are too intricate for their own good. This would not be a problem if the band gave due regard to this fact, but they don't. The whole point of the "motif" formula in metal (an altered, simplified form of the early classical approach) is to allow structural repetition within a movement by creating forms that are both circular (they merge onto themself) and lead to the following section (for continuity). Repeating it 4 or 6 times is no problem because it reinforces the theme allowing the listener to become familiar with it but it when a riff is closed it does little more than result in eventual tedium. By the 10th or so listen when the riffs are drilled into your head you're bored to tears. GoP 1st riff is a good example - it is completely self-contained, meaning that when it is finished it should lead. It doesn't, of course. It is the structuring that is problematic. The riffs are great, but they don't lend themselves to the sort of structuring conducive to good metal - repetition weakens rather than reinforces the theme and removes some of the excitement. A band like Slayer does this perfectly - each riff is both cyclic and leading. Of course, there are exceptions - namely Beneath the Mire, which is why I believe it is the album's best song. One could argue that the said GoP riff serves as a self-contained prelude, but then, given there is no leading, once the listener knows it and what comes next what reason do they have to endure it? And this clearly wasn't intended by the band because the following riff is non-contrasting. One could further argue that Opeth is "progressive" in its deviation from the aforementioned rules; I would respond that first, why then do they use metal structuring - why use riffs at all (the answer is simple - they appear to be easy to manipulate and deal with in the studio, while in reality they are not); secondly, how is such "progression" conducive to good composition - that is, how does it hold the interest of the listener over the length of a whole song. Opeth have many wonderful ideas but I question their method of synthesis and motive for making 10+ minute songs in the style utilised in GR.
I think there are some genuinely brilliant moments in this album.. But they tend to be contained within the first 2 songs and Reverie/Harlequin Forest.. I think some of the transitions between sections are some of the best Mikael has written, but as a whole.. This'd be one of my least favourite Opeth albums.

For whats its worth, good post, and I agree (apart from GR having anything positive to lend musically)... I also didnt go into too much detail because I dont feel the album deserves it... I cant be bothered.

PS - could you use paragraphs next time? The post looks like an over-topped pizza.
Yeah, that seems to be the attitude of most people here... can't be bothered thinking or writing about the music (omg!!!.1 te.h rifsffs!11!) and the post was more for my benefit than anyone else's to justify my thoughts. Because no-one will post a decent response, I guarantee.

@ opeth_353: Good transitions don't prevent songs from sounding like a stuck record
@ opeth_353: Good transitions don't prevent songs from sounding like a stuck record

Hmm.. that's funny, i could've sworn i said 'but as a whole it's my least favourite record'...Just merely stating i like some of the transitions doesn't mean that i think the album is good, just the transitions.. I will restate, the good parts are usually in the same 3 songs.

But anyway, i wouldn't say GR sounds like a stuck record.. Fairly varied in it's musical content. It just happens to be that the content isn't as good as before.
well yeh i agree, its a good album, but not great. i know alot of people disagree with me on this one, but i dont like the production on gr that much. it just dosent fit opeth's sound, its crystal clear..which i hate. i dont want it to be raw as on orchid and morningrise, but like on blackwater park or deliverance. its a good record, but i hope their next album will be alot better.
The crystal clear bit I know exactly what you mean man, I say it to every one and I mean it when I say i love the rawness of their early stuff like in To Bid you Farewell soudns like they recorded it in their back yard or something its just so real, but with there more produced stuff BWP and on wards (don't get me wrong great fucking albums I love each of them) Just seems like theres no feeling in it, it's hard to explain how I feel about it but im sure there is other people onm this forum that share the same views.