Ghost Reveries Compared to the other albums

I'm no music critic, but I think that if it weren't for these emotional attachments we've developed for albums like Still Life and MAYH, Ghost Reveries would be THE best album.

I'm saying this is correct, but you do make a very good point. Emotional attachments play a huge part of someones judgement of an album.
I think the whole thread is missing a great point acheived in opeth's GR album - me being new to guitar i found that the entire album is written in open Dmin and some tracks are in Open Dmin add 9 . This not only is an awkward tunning compared to the standard E usually used on most metal albums today - however opeth did the impossible and wrote a whole album with this tunning - they had solos using this tunning and acoustic finger picking parts. For that reason alone i think this album is just as great as the others ...
because hes implying that i havent grasped, paid attention to, or appreciate still i need to get AIDS and "die". the point is i was appreciating that album when he was in diapers, so he has no place telling me it owns my soul or whatever nonsense. im well aware its a great album. im simply saying its very overrated among most Opeth fans.

How can it be overated when its their best? :Smug:
How can it be overated when its their best? :Smug:

stop ragging on him.

all he's saying is that he loved still life before most of us were listening to any form of metal, and while he still realizes its a good album, it's lost his attention.
Well, I can say that when this forum started just after the release of BWP, SL had not receive any more than its due appreciation. Right now it doesn't seem to be mentioned much either, so I don't know where the "over-loyal" part comes from.
Well although they are not very active or visible atm... there definately has been a contingent of fans that swear SL is the Opeth Magnum Opus and measure everything else by it.... and usually say that whatever they are measuring doesn't measure up. It's just a personal observation which may be backed up by others who have frequented the board during my tenure but it would in fact be a bit difficult to "prove"... so take it for what it is.
I happen to think that MAYH is their "Opeth magnum". I don't think there are any factors which would cause me to be more "loyal" to MAYH either, I think it can be said that this is an extremely good album which deserves any praise it gets...
Ghost Reveries is a great album, and getting greater by the minute!
When I first got it, I liked it. I didn't pay much attention to songs like Beneath the Mire, or Atonement, but lately I've been seeing how good these songs actually are, in part due to my growing interest in 70s prog-rock (thanks to the recommendations from these boards), like camel. I can see where Opeth are coming from. The rest of the songs are damn good, and the album is now probably my third favorite. Personally I wouldn't mind if Opeth got even more experimental on their next album, neither would I mind another Blackwater Park, which is my favorite album.

I am so glad people are realizing what an amazing song BTM is. I think it is the best song on the album.

We're just giving our opinions and mine is that Ghost Reveries is the weakest Opeth album alongside Orchid. I think it really lacks atmosphere overall and that the songs don't have the usual natural flow to them; every thing feels calculated for obvious effect. This being said, this is Opeth; I'm just a much bigger fan of Blackwater Park and Deliverance.
Notable exception: Isolation Years, a very poignant track.
GR is a great album. It incorporates elements from almost all previous albums and has expanded to encompass many new genres of music into its production. I think a lot of you who dislike the album (including the OP) have standards that you cannot get past. You want Opeth to be the same always, and like many have mentioned before me, that you dislike change. I think a lot of you narrowminded fans would do better if you broadened your horizons on musical experimentation b/c you really are missing out on a lot of good music out there.
the album that rules, is Ghost Reveries. Deliverance, Still life, Backwater park, My arms your hearse are great.

This is my fav opeth album list, from most favorite at top, to slightly less favorite at the bottom:

Still Life
Blackwater Park
My Arms, your hearse
Ghost Reveries

This list is so nice. Cuddles.
GR is a great album. It incorporates elements from almost all previous albums and has expanded to encompass many new genres of music into its production. I think a lot of you who dislike the album (including the OP) have standards that you cannot get past. You want Opeth to be the same always, and like many have mentioned before me, that you dislike change. I think a lot of you narrowminded fans would do better if you broadened your horizons on musical experimentation b/c you really are missing out on a lot of good music out there.
Well said. The first Opeth album I heard was Damnation, and I had no idea they had a "heavy" side. I thought the album was superb, and got Ghost Reveries. The cookie monster vocals were a turn off at first, but I stuck with it and read the lyrics as I listened. Fantastic atmosphere...Opeth conjures mental images like no other band for me. Ghost Reveries is awesome, my favorite right now. I've been listening to BWP a lot and it's great, as is Deliverance, but GR is my favorite. The production is superb and the band actually rehearsed, which leads me to think that the sound on GR is really what they intended.
A strange and unique quality of Opeth is that they haven't made a bad album, IMHO. However, their musical expression grows with each album, and increasing popularity allows them access to better recording studios and equipment, which (I feel) will lead to more albums with great production and increased musical expression and experimentation. I can't wait to hear what's next.