The Heavist Opeth riff


Third Eye Guy
Jan 13, 2002
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What do you think is the heaviest guitar riff Opeth does? Personally, I think the latest album is chok-full of 'em. Examples...
-Blackwater Park - 1:58
-The Leper Affinity - 2:15
-The Funeral Portrait - about 1:30
Still Life has some great ones, too
-Godhead's Lament - about 1:35
-Serenity Painted Death - 1:39

What's the heaviest, IYO?
Probably the intro section to demon of the fall with the pitch shifted vox, or the "white face haggard grin..." part of serenity painted death.
The "I'm murdering everyone right now" riff in SPD. The first riff (not the intro) and the "Demon.. Demon of the Fall" riff of DOTF. The ends of Bleak and Karma. The "I am beyond death" one in Leper Affinity. The second one in Funeral Portrait. Second one in Blackwater Park (1:15). The three really heavy ones after the quiet part. "sick liasons" and the pre-outro one.

Wait, you want me to pick ONE? One of the last ones I mentioned there (BWP 6:40).

Kind of like quoting the bible or something. "Now children, turn to Bleak 8:23 and prepare to recite."

Demon of the Fall as a whole is the heavist song i'd say. So the heavist riff must be in that one. His vocals on that one are amazingly heavy too.
The second one in Funeral Portrait.[\quote]

roger that with a big RRRRR

thats the heaviest riff ever....DADANANADADANANA DADA NANA DADA NANA :rock: <---- This guy even rocks on to the right beat....

Also, Demon of the fall... it sounds like the entire song has been shifted down lol
The morbid angel like riff in serenety painted death
Well, Cannibal Corpse copied the Morbid Angel style so it comes down to the same thing, also Mr. Åkerfeldt called it a Morbid Angel riff in some interview. :grin: Anyway still a killer!
5:37 of blackwater park is pretty heavy...the vocals are amazing
the opening of the leper affinity
"fevered mirrored ghosts, nighttime consolation, cross the line"
"demon, demon of the fall"
"each and everyone would die by my hands"
Originally posted by Katatonic289
The second one in Funeral Portrait.[\quote]

roger that with a big RRRRR

thats the heaviest riff ever....DADANANADADANANA DADA NANA DADA NANA I would have to agree there! I wonder why the hell they do not play this one live(at least not that I have heard of!) I also like the riff about 2:30 into the song...WONDEFUL! That or just about every riff in Blackwater park(my favorite Opeth tune of all time!)
:rock: :rock:
Originally posted by Hearse
I don't know what you mean bý heviest, but one of the darkest and the most massive one is at Blackrose Immortals end, in that part when that last emotional growl starts, now there's a heavy, dark, massive riff!

right on! To me, that was always one of the most emotional parts of all Opeth songs......Its no longer a song at that just leaves you whith however it made you feel.
I totally forgot the Amen Corner beginning. I was just about to mention it but my brain slipped. That part is one of their best ever, I think. Must listen now.

I always forget about the Amen Croner, honestly. I really don't like the opening to it, and it's a paltry 8 minutes...easily forgettable in Opethian terms.

It has some great drum parts to it, though, and a nice little acoustic piece about a third of the way through.
