the Hendrix thread

Apr 12, 2002
Istanbul, Turkey
this is the specific thread where you can pay your homage to this phenomenal musician and talk about his outstanding music. anyone who has different opinions can voice them here, too, of course, but then again they deserve to die a slow and painful death.


for a start, here's my fave jimi record:


while all the classics are on the are you experienced debut, this one has fantastic songwriting on it. "spanish castle magic," ""little wing," "if 6 was 9," "little miss lover" and "bold as love" are masterpieces with high-quality lyrics too. i firmly believe jimi never topped what he had on here. top notch stuff

my fave hendrix record, maybe because the best recording of "machine gun" is in here.
I could go on and on about Hendrix, but I won't get your heads all fuckered up on my opinions. Let's just say, No one and I mean no one contributed more to music with the electric guitar than Jimi. And even if you don't like his music, he deserves all respect, for a lot of your "guitar" heroes might not exist if it wasn't for Hendrix. I'll bet my life that most of them first picked up a guitar because of Jimi. You know, wanting to emulate him. Best album- "Electric Ladyland" 2.) "Axis-Bold as Love." 3) "Band of Gypsys" the absolute best guitar song ever is "Machine Gun" from this album. Voodoo Chile and Voodoo Chile(slight return) from EL are incredible as well. Answer me this, if Robert Fripp praises at the altar of Hendrix, how can some musical no-mind on the Opeth forum substantiate his dislike of Hendrix. So, all you "Hendrix-Haters" out there, think before you respond.
his version of "all along the watchtower" is brilliant, he made that song his and that lead he does in it is just fucking slick as shit, especially the part when the wah pedal is practicaly talking.
My favorite, which I have on vinyl, is the split with Otis Redding from the Monterey Pop Fest, 1967. Both are candid performances with between song commentary, and both rock out. And Hendrix explains his rationale for covering Wild Thing, and setting his guitar on fire at the end. Most interesting though, is that that performance was do-or-die for both artists if they hoped to capture an American audience. And they both nailed it.
I always thought it was cool that he didn´t use a left guitar but simply changed the strings and turned it the other way. I´m not a superfan but i occationally listen to stuff like Voodo Child. And one has to have in mind that nothing similar had come before him.
you metulheads :mad:

I am listening right now to the live version of "Machine Gun". I was not a fan of his music until I was in my early thirties, and my buddy put Jimi's live album on the brand new invention call the "iPod" to listen to instead of taking all of our CD's on the flight to Fiji from LAX. We were going to there with a group of 26 people on a scuba diving trip that we had put together (we were both scuba diving instructors at the scuba diving shop that I owned). We split time listening to it on the flight, me and TOOL, and him and his stuff. It died about halfway over the Pacific Ocean. We were both bummed about the six hour battery time, and that inspired me to invest in stock with Apple. Everyone on the flight wanted my iPod! Anyways, on the third night in Fiji, we had a Kava ceremony and got blasted out of our minds. It is a natural herb that they make into a tea that tastes and smells like dirty sweat socks, but after three half-coconut shells of this concoction, your tongue and face are numb, and after six, you are mentally connected with the Earth. It was about a half mile walk back to our bures (fijian for hut), and I had my new shiny iPod in my hand, and powered the device up, and the live version of Machine Gun was the first song that played. I stumbled over to a palm fronne hammock next to the warm ocean and the stars were filling the night sky. We were 250 miles from any city, and the stars below the equator led me to see a sky like I had never seen. Jimi's music talked to me. I finally understood that he never played his guitar, but his guitar played for him. It was a revelation to my musical library and it made me open my mind to him.

Someday you death metal haters will get tired of 260 bpm screaming chaos (most likely when you are trying to get laid for the first time), and pop some Jimi in, and let the master of the guitar explain to you how the instrument is meant to be played.

Are you saying Hendrix is death metal???

"death metal haters" I think was intended to read as "death metal fans that are hating on Jimi."

Anyway, where are all the ANUS trolls to tell us that Jimi Hendrix is black and influential and thus almost killed rock n roll until Varg made the first pure white (aka black) metal and saved it from the brink of extinction?