The how old are you thread

spaffe said:
well for me it's not entirely wasted time since i'm not sure what to do now that i'm out of school anyway. i don't feel like starting to study again, that'll have to wait a year or so. but it's kind of annoying that when i first got to the military test center i was certain i did not want to do miliarty service and got a really lousy score on the intelligence tests on purpose, think i got 3 of 10 hehe, but the next day i had changed my mind and did well on the fysical stuff . so they decided i was a perfect truck-driver :D
i don't thnik drving trucks will be that bad but what bothers me is that my truck-driving mates will probably be real goons that did their best at the intelllgence and got the same score as i but not intentionally :)

np: limbonic art - pits of the cold beyond

Trucks, huh? I could help you out with that :wave: Spent several months in the desolate Swedish south (skånejævlar!) driving tractors like John Deere. Real metal driving those especially since a nice girl had put my hair in a braid during those lessons. Oh and glad you liked the Limbonic CD I sent you, horns up...
spaffe said:
well for me it's not entirely wasted time since i'm not sure what to do now that i'm out of school anyway. i don't feel like starting to study again, that'll have to wait a year or so.[/b]
Good choice man, I did the same and it was a joy to start studying again :D
Seriously, "lumpen" is fun if you don't insist on making trouble with your officers. Where'll you be doing service?
Patric said:
Trucks, huh? I could help you out with that :wave: Spent several months in the desolate Swedish south (skånejævlar!) driving tractors like John Deere. Real metal driving those especially since a nice girl had put my hair in a braid during those lessons. Oh and glad you liked the Limbonic CD I sent you, horns up...

hehe yeah they're big, powerfull and noisy and metal as hell :headbang: hopefully there'll be some guy who shares my taste in music but that's perhaps too much to hope for. on the girl side tho i think it will be even more barren so to speak ;)
yep i'm listening to it right now, thanks mate.

gcele said:
Good choice man, I did the same and it was a joy to start studying again :D
Seriously, "lumpen" is fun if you don't insist on making trouble with your officers. Where'll you be doing service?

yeah i'm actually looking forward to it now, it'll be nice to "play war" for some three months and then drive some trucks during the winter :)
i'll be doing service at ING2 in Eksjö, have you heard anything about that place?
Haha you don't want to come to this shithole it will kill you...TUMBA thereagainst, now THERE's something to write home about. Yes sir...

Cadarn said:
Ah, great pic, Patric! I should send you a pic of me drunk by the Hornstull tunnelbana stop!

Haha! Of course, my man. I think I was near Hornstull on the way actually, it's pretty close yeah?
spaffe said:
i'll be doing service at ING2 in Eksjö, have you heard anything about that place?

Nope, but engineering troops rock \m/
I did my service in grim and frostbitten Boden, ING3. (Concerning girls: The ratio at bars et.c. was about 30:1 - 30 guys, that is).