The human face of evil

Originally posted by Morticia
Thanks for the light hearted humour Sydo..... I really needed that at the moment. :)
Nothing like a break from the depression!!

Light-hearted yes. But Mr Blobby is evil! :mad:
That is Mr Blobby!! I can't believe you people don't know him. :lol:

I think he had his own rather popular children's TV show for while in the early 90's.
Originally posted by Miff
What channel was he on then? :D

I don't have a clue. I'm not even sure which nationality he was.

It wasn't really Australian anyway. :cry:
Don't sing that song!:(

If he's English he may have been on the ABC, Due to the fact that the ABC shows a lot of English children shows, That are licenced from the BBC.
Originally posted by Mark
He's English - he even had a hit single :eek:

Which goes to show the state of Britain's music industry since the end of the 1980s. Spice Girls, Steps, Westlife and children's TV show characters. Sydo was right... be very afraid.

BTW I don't think Mr Blobby was a big success here. He had too much competition from legitimate stars like B1 and B2 and the Wiggles. :D
Originally posted by Goreripper

He had too much competition from legitimate stars like B1 and B2 and the Wiggles. :D

I know a 40 year old male Greek resturant owner who gets royality payments because he wrote a Wiggles song. :lol:
Originally posted by Goreripper
I wrote a song for the Wiggles but they rejected it. Apparently they can't say the word "fuck" in front of their target audience. Oh well...
