the "I dont give a f*ck to LOTR" thread

I've often wondered (and this has nothing to do with Lenore starting this thread :) ) why everytime something big hits screens or television and turns out to be succesful, out comes people with flags and signs declaring that they don't like it, they despise it etc..

I remember when that damn Ally McBeal started to run here in Finland, some wiseass formed official 'I hate Ally McBeal' -club. What's with that? If you don't like it, fine. Why shout about it? It's only a tv-show. It's only a movie.

Debating like this is fine, for everyone are allowed to express what they liked/didn't like about something, single minded-blind-bashing I don't like.
it's a bit boring when you have 50 people talking to you night and day about something you don't really care about. it's okay when one or two of your friends are interested in something and want to share it with you, but when you have half of the world doing it, it gets slightly annoying.
Debating like this is fine, for everyone are allowed to express what they liked/didn't like about something, single minded-blind-bashing I don't like.

I agree. I always try and find positives and negatives about things and say why I thought a film or album was good or not. Lots of people just say everything is 'shit' or 'gay' which just annoys people who like what they are refering to. Instead they could just say that it isn't to their taste and then it wouldn't annoy anyone.
it does count for music as well! the more succesful a band become, the more people detest them. So Britney spears is successful and people detest her. Strange eh?
Originally posted by Mariner
it does count for music as well! the more succesful a band become, the more people detest them. So Britney spears is successful and people detest her. Strange eh?

i dont see the link, and i dont think none here have said such thing except you :lol:
i dont give a flying fuck to lotr because i dont give it a fuck , i can t see no other explanation :)
successful or not, its the same for me.
and i think britney is boss
Originally posted by Crack Hitler
I've often wondered (and this has nothing to do with Lenore starting this thread :) ) why everytime something big hits screens or television and turns out to be succesful, out comes people with flags and signs declaring that they don't like it, they despise it etc..

that's why I posted it
to Lenore and many others :

The main thing is you can'y deny that most of the metalheads and goths like The Lord Of the Rings for a simple reason :
They've been seduced by the same universe/atmospheres that in the music they listen to : fantastic, epic, imaginary, fairy sometimes...
The reason why you aren't touched by LOTR is maybe because you're not touched by metal/goth music as well.
Personnaly, I've been caught very young in this kind of atmosphere, I've always been found of fairy tales and fantasy.
I usually read his kind of litterature, I use to go to Theatre to watch this kind of movies, listen to the music that fits to it, and so on...
I'm not saying that LOTR is fo metalheads, but some of you will surely understand what I mean.

Listenning to Immortal "Battles in the North", Summoning " Dol Guldur " or Enslaved, Empyrium, Saturnus, Morgul...even Iron Maiden makes sense when you like LOTR...

So please, as it has been said before, there are people who like it and people who don't...but why denigrate it for free ?
Just don't go and read the thread where we're debating about it !
not to mention blind guardian's fans,who are condemned to like such on aphrodite knight.

i want to see nr2 cos i've seen n1 which left the story in the middle.never read any books,nor am i triggered yet.
Originally posted by aphrodite_knight
to Lenore and many others :

The main thing is you can'y deny that most of the metalheads and goths like The Lord Of the Rings for a simple reason :
They've been seduced by the same universe/atmospheres that in the music they listen to : fantastic, epic, imaginary, fairy sometimes...
The reason why you aren't touched by LOTR is maybe because you're not touched by metal/goth music as well.

Nah , you know i listen mostly to goth music , and i do know LoTR is a big part of the gothic/metal culture ~ the thing is that i've never been touched by fantasy movies and books; its all about personal tastes i guess...
But still the link you do beetween goth/metal music and LoTR does not work for me, and i'm not the only one.

Personnaly, I've been caught very young in this kind of atmosphere, I've always been found of fairy tales and fantasy.I usually read his kind of litterature, I use to go to Theatre to watch this kind of movies, listen to the music that fits to it, and so on...
I'm not saying that LOTR is fo metalheads, but some of you will surely understand what I mean.

I've watched Peter Pan once when i was a child , does it counts? theres a fairy in it :confused:

So please, as it has been said before, there are people who like it and people who don't...but why denigrate it for free ?
Just don't go and read the thread where we're debating about it ! [/B]

where have you seen i was denigrating it for free? I have watched the lotr 1, and if i have 3 hours to spend i'll go and watch the 2nd one, but i'm not a fan and i dont feel concerned by all the noise made aroud, thats all.
and what thread are u talking about?:confused: