The Imaginary Direction of Time


Spiffy, eh?
Jul 31, 2002
So what are opinions on the new Winds album? Its obviously a continuation of the 1st and 2nd albums, musically, but since I adore those that is a good thing. I think the album is super-mega-excellent. Its still Winds but they've added different elements to their music. The clean part on Theory of Relativity is awsome. Lyricly is just about what I expected, nothing striking, yet still interesting. I'm more into the delivery by Lars whom I hold to be the most fantastic clean vocalist. Over-all this will definatly be one of my top albums of the year. :Spin:
I've just recently commenced listening to the album, and I already feel inclined to note how wonderful it is. Winds never falters to amaze me, so hopefully the positive impression that this record has already left on me with solely the initial three tracks will linger. Somehow, I have a premonition that it will.
I have to listen to that one. This is gonna sound stupid, but I've had Reflections of the I for about 6 months and I still don't know if I like it. There are times when I listen to it and think "wow, this is awesome", and others "damn, that was boring"
I've got Reflections of The I and I thoroughly enjoy it. It's got some of the best songwriting I've ever heard and the guitar solos are wicked. Definitely a good release. People say that the new album really doesn't match up, but I'll test it out for myself without judging it.
I've been listening to the sample and I like it, so I'll probably buy this one next month in my haul.
It's their best album yet, but they show zero progression in song structuring and singing, which makes this the only one really worth listening.
It's not bad, but reflections of I was a bit better IMO. There's no progression in songwriting as the dude above me just said, and Lars just doesn't have a good enough voice. In fact, I think he sings in the same key the entire album, which is probably why it got boring after the first few tracks. There aren't really any weak tracks on the album, but I can't listen to it start to finish like with Reflections. His singing makes the whole thing run together. I should also note he doesn't even really pull off a few notes. I don't know, I liked it but it's definitely not as good as the last one and I don't think it will have the staying power. If they don't do something different next time, there might be a problem.
Any thoughts on Winds' albums? I've been looking for metal with some of piano in it lately, and these guys keep coming up in the searches. Arcane Sun and Peccatum are examples of the type of piano I've been most interested in.