Here's just an example of what I did this weekend.
-Female lead vocal ala Feist. Recorded with a u87, neve 1066, distressor, and 1176.
PT processing:
1.PT EQ3-doing some minor corrective eq...pulling out a few wierd low mid honks and a few odd whistles in the top end.
2.Waves Desser- She needed it
3.Waves C4- I have a patch I created for vocals that's similar to the pop vocal preset, but a little more suited for the plugins that follow in my chain.
4.Waves Rvox- Just a little bit of compression here...maybe 3-4 on the loudest parts.
5.Waves L1- CLA posted a patch he uses in an article of SOS some time last year and I tried it on vox and actually really liked it. So usually all I do is drastically bring down the amount of limiting as compared to the preset.
All further processing was done OTB, and basically included some minor eq, a plate verb, couple of delays and some mild pitch modulation.