The Infernal NOW EATING thread!

Oatmeal + a protein shake for breakfast
I start with the plain ol' basic cooked oatmeal; then I add a little brown sugar, some dates and pecans. Today I'm having sliced banana in it too. :)

WWAE? (What Would Arnie Eat?)
Episode666 said:
I start with the plain ol' basic cooked oatmeal; then I add a little brown sugar, some dates and pecans. Today I'm having sliced banana in it too. /forum/images/smilies/smile.gif

WWAE? (What Would Arnie Eat?)

I wear a wristband that says just that!

Hey, banana! I eat my oatmeal with banana, unless I buy the flavored stuff (the unhealthy alternative) :cry:
hershey's chocolate

WWAE = What Would Arnie Eat
WWJD = What Would Jesus Do
WWED = What Would Elvis Do
and My Own:
WWYD = What Would Yoda Do
I don't know the name of this food in english... Let's say it's cheece, tomato sauce and little shrimps all in fry-pan :) I know it's pretty weird but tastes exelent :D Oh, and there's a lot of bread too...