Peanut butter


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
Noone eats peanut butter sandwiches in Sweden!

But then Tully pressured me to buy a jar of the stuff (so I could see what it would be like being an American) and now I really like peanut butter, it's pretty awesome stuff really!

Discuss! Do you like peanut butter!
Erik said:
Noone eats peanut butter sandwiches in Sweden!

But then Tully pressured me to buy a jar of the stuff (so I could see what it would be like being an American) and now I really like peanut butter, it's pretty awesome stuff really!

Discuss! Do you like peanut butter!
peanut butter is reallllyy good, but I get sick of it after too much. Kraft(I think that is swedish for Power?) makes really good PB.

random cultural reference Erik probably knows for some reason: On an episode of the original Barney cast, Barney ate a PBnJ sandwhich, and it stuck to the roof of his mouth. A fire alarm went off and he was choking with his mouth stuck together until the crew (I think it was the black kid who poured it in) gave him some milk to put it down.

PB sans J. Don't have much of a sweet tooth, but I'm weak for any dessert containing PB.
Thanatopsis123 said:
I'll just get a huge spoon of PB and just scrape some onto the end of a banana before every bite. Wow that sounds nasty...and gay.

Fuck you for judging me.

I do that to on occasion. Once tried to shove a banana into the PB container and it broke off (figures) so I scrapped it out with my hands and feasted.
i too have been putting PB on waffles for some time.
@erik: do you have the real peanut butter where its all oily and is only made from peanuts? or do you have the stuff where the ingredients are "peanuts, sugar, salt"? the latter is the best.