I work with someone who is a strict vegetarian. She said that she is because she hate to see the animals suffer for human consumption...yet, whenever we bring in a hamburger or other meat for lunch...she's always saying how she misses the taste of meat. She's practicly drooling over your plate...but she won't touch it. And hasn't had meat for a few years now.
I think that's odd. If I were to become a vegetarian...I'd do it because I don't really like the taste of meat. I don't eat red meat but I don't think I could exist without chicken and fish.
I don't think I'd ever nit pick the eating habits of anyone...that's just plain rude. It's not healthy to feel guilty for eating something...that might be the start of an eating disorder for some people...
For the record...I own real leather and I love it. Keeps me warm...it's easy to clean and I figure that they were going to kill that animal for food anyway.