As the title says, this is the Iron Maiden thread that Joe can't read.
Basically my experience seeing Iron Maiden yesterday.
I'll spare everyone the mess that was Friday/Saturday, because ticket complications are confusing and boring.
We set out on the road at about six or so, got to the venue, the St. Pete Times Forum, which is a hockey arena, and chilled outside for like ten minutes before heading in. I went straight to the merch stand to get the Florida tour shirt, which allegedly, had sold out TWO HOURS before I got there. It's a great shirt design, and I'll find a picture of it somewhere and post it here.
Anyways, I picked out my shirt I wanted in my head while still standing in line, only to have the LAST ONE sell out as I got to the counter.
I got the Final Frontier album cover one with dates on the back, which cost me an astonishing $40. THAT'S ALMOST AS MUCH AS THE TICKETS THEMSELVES DAMMIT.
After that debacle, we watched Black Tide do their six song set, which I have to admit, sucked pretty bad. Now, flashback to 2007, when I had just started listening to music other than radio rock, and you'll find me going to my first concert (Avenged Sevenfold.
) The very first opener, was Black Tide. Their singer was 15 years old at the time, and their first album hadn't even been released yet. I haven't listened to them/followed them for a while now, and wondered how they'd been doing..... And after seeing them again, I don't care. The four new songs they played were all garbage, and the last song, my personal favorite Warriors of Time was half-assed. Very disappointed.
But I wasn't there to see them, oh hell no, I was there to see Iron Maiden. After 15 minutes or so had passed, and almost the entire floor of the arena had been filled with people, Iron Maiden started their set. The stage was very space age and cool looking, and had like space shuttle tubing lining the outside of the stage.
They began with the two singles, Satellite 15... The Final Frontier, and then El Dorado directly afterwards. These songs sounded much better live than on the album, where I hate both.
A favorite of mine, 2 Minutes to Midnight was after that. That song was fucking fantastic! Bruce's voice sounds damn good for his age. Two more new ones, The Talisman and Coming Home followed.
Before Coming Home, Bruce had about a minute or two of talking to the crowd about the current tour, the tragedy that befell Japan, the retiring of Ed Force One (Which shocked the fuck out of me), and saying that "When you go on any kind of trip, you really only end up going in one direction..... Coming Home". Great segue into that song, which is becoming one of all-time favorite Maiden songs.
Another personal favorite, Dance of Death was after that. Always loved this one. The intro, the heavy parts, the lyrics about the Everglades (which are near the bottom of the state) and the main riff. One of the highlights of the show though, was the next song, THE TROOPER! Bruce ducked off stage while the intro riffs where playing and donned the suit Eddie wears in the single cover, and swung a giant flag around. All while running like a madman across the stage. Greatness.
Then came The Wicker Man, Blood Brothers, and When the Wild Wind Blows. Wicker Man was cool, wasn't familiar with Blood Brothers because I don't have Brave New World, and Wil Wind was great. Love the lyrics for that one. The lights were all dimmed for the slow intro (as they were for ALL the slow intros come to think of it
) and it just all fit perfectly. Then The Evil That Men Do came on, which lead me to headbang even more than I already was. Fear of the Dark took my level of headbanging to a new level. As Bruce maniacally laughter filled the arena, I couldn't help but think "This man is the greatest frontman. EVER."
The last song, Iron Maiden, was probably the greatest part of the whole show because halfway through EDDIE (dressed as the Eddie from the Final Frontier cover) came out and fought with the band. He was eventually given a guitar and he walked around playing it. My friends and I were wondering if they were actually gonna do something like that, so when we saw we couldn't help but laugh and cheer.
But of course that wasn't the last song.
Two minutes later, we hear the voice of Vincent Price saying "Woe to you, oh Earth and sea...." Number of the Beast was a highlight for sure, and you could hear the crowd singing as Bruce held the mic out. My absolute favorite Maiden song, HALLOWED BE THY NAME was next. They definitely nailed that one, solos and all.
The final song, Running Free, was a strange one. They played 3/4th of the song, and then bass and drums kept the rythym going as Bruce introduced himself by taking off his beanie and saying "As you can see, I still have all my hair. That's not what this hat is for. I don't wear this hat because I'm losing my hair, I wear if because it keeps my head warm."
Then he introduced all the other members, shouting I'M RUNNING FREEEE YEAH! and holding out the mic for the crowd to sing before the rythym kicked back in in between members.
Finishing the song, Bruce said that it definitely wouldn't be another 20 years before the next Tampa date. (Fun fact, the last Tampa show was in 1988. Yeah....) Janick tossed his guitar in the air..... And DROPPED it, and then proceeded to toss it around stage. Bruce's beanie was tossed into the crows, along with the various picks, drumsticks etc etc. Nicko then grabbed the guitar and walked into the mic and said "This is going in my restroom" and then ran off stage.
All in all, fan-fucking-tastic show. If anyone has a chance to see Iron Maiden, no matter the cost, JUST DO IT. You won't regret it.
Pictures to come soon.

I'll spare everyone the mess that was Friday/Saturday, because ticket complications are confusing and boring.
We set out on the road at about six or so, got to the venue, the St. Pete Times Forum, which is a hockey arena, and chilled outside for like ten minutes before heading in. I went straight to the merch stand to get the Florida tour shirt, which allegedly, had sold out TWO HOURS before I got there. It's a great shirt design, and I'll find a picture of it somewhere and post it here.
Anyways, I picked out my shirt I wanted in my head while still standing in line, only to have the LAST ONE sell out as I got to the counter.

After that debacle, we watched Black Tide do their six song set, which I have to admit, sucked pretty bad. Now, flashback to 2007, when I had just started listening to music other than radio rock, and you'll find me going to my first concert (Avenged Sevenfold.

But I wasn't there to see them, oh hell no, I was there to see Iron Maiden. After 15 minutes or so had passed, and almost the entire floor of the arena had been filled with people, Iron Maiden started their set. The stage was very space age and cool looking, and had like space shuttle tubing lining the outside of the stage.
They began with the two singles, Satellite 15... The Final Frontier, and then El Dorado directly afterwards. These songs sounded much better live than on the album, where I hate both.

Before Coming Home, Bruce had about a minute or two of talking to the crowd about the current tour, the tragedy that befell Japan, the retiring of Ed Force One (Which shocked the fuck out of me), and saying that "When you go on any kind of trip, you really only end up going in one direction..... Coming Home". Great segue into that song, which is becoming one of all-time favorite Maiden songs.
Another personal favorite, Dance of Death was after that. Always loved this one. The intro, the heavy parts, the lyrics about the Everglades (which are near the bottom of the state) and the main riff. One of the highlights of the show though, was the next song, THE TROOPER! Bruce ducked off stage while the intro riffs where playing and donned the suit Eddie wears in the single cover, and swung a giant flag around. All while running like a madman across the stage. Greatness.
Then came The Wicker Man, Blood Brothers, and When the Wild Wind Blows. Wicker Man was cool, wasn't familiar with Blood Brothers because I don't have Brave New World, and Wil Wind was great. Love the lyrics for that one. The lights were all dimmed for the slow intro (as they were for ALL the slow intros come to think of it

The last song, Iron Maiden, was probably the greatest part of the whole show because halfway through EDDIE (dressed as the Eddie from the Final Frontier cover) came out and fought with the band. He was eventually given a guitar and he walked around playing it. My friends and I were wondering if they were actually gonna do something like that, so when we saw we couldn't help but laugh and cheer.
But of course that wasn't the last song.

The final song, Running Free, was a strange one. They played 3/4th of the song, and then bass and drums kept the rythym going as Bruce introduced himself by taking off his beanie and saying "As you can see, I still have all my hair. That's not what this hat is for. I don't wear this hat because I'm losing my hair, I wear if because it keeps my head warm."

Finishing the song, Bruce said that it definitely wouldn't be another 20 years before the next Tampa date. (Fun fact, the last Tampa show was in 1988. Yeah....) Janick tossed his guitar in the air..... And DROPPED it, and then proceeded to toss it around stage. Bruce's beanie was tossed into the crows, along with the various picks, drumsticks etc etc. Nicko then grabbed the guitar and walked into the mic and said "This is going in my restroom" and then ran off stage.

All in all, fan-fucking-tastic show. If anyone has a chance to see Iron Maiden, no matter the cost, JUST DO IT. You won't regret it.
Pictures to come soon.