The Iron Maidens


Croatian Panzer division
Apr 9, 2004
Split, Croatia, Europe
Did you listen to them?
The all-girl band covering Iron Maiden with funny aliases such as Bruce Chickinson... ;)

Well, I gotta say I'm very disappointed!
They are terrible and all the hype surrounding them is only because they are all girls, I see no other reason. The singer is okay, nothing special, the rhythm section is by far the best in the band. But the guitarists... Gimme a break!

Their soloing is stiff and very noobish, even their rhythm playing is falling apart... I think I read that one of the guitar players even attended GIT. After listening, I suppose she got kicked out after the first semester... :tickled:
It's like someone decided there had to be an awesome all-girl Iron Maiden cover band and keeps promoting them like that. :)

Yer comments? :)
They are from my area and they have a new singer. The singer from a couple of years back was awesome (for a girl doing Bruce). They actually get quite a few gigs and I think are currently in Japan. They just finished up from a Northwest tour and it was very successfull.

For an all girl tribute band I say they are amazing!
kittybeast said:
They are from my area and they have a new singer. The singer from a couple of years back was awesome (for a girl doing Bruce). They actually get quite a few gigs and I think are currently in Japan. They just finished up from a Northwest tour and it was very successfull.

For an all girl tribute band I say they are amazing!

i agree....the fact that they're girls doesnt matter, girls can have just as much talent as guys...just cos it's not normal for many girls to be in this type of music is beside the point...they are a very good band, and i enjoy them very much.
I haven't seen many all girl tribute bands that pull it off like the Iron Maidens do. there is an all girl AC-DC tribute here and they are okay. Most females tend to stick to doing female covers or female band tributes.

I didn't say this in a bad way because they are girls, most people assume because they are girls that they can possibly play well. Which really makes no sense because I've seen many all male bands who don't play well either! :tickled:
They're are awsomely funny (and some even sexy :dopey:). I respect that they take the effort to show their appreciattion for a noble band with a bit more than buying CDs and go to gigs.

Let's face the fact, they could had try to become another silly girlie pop outfit singing with a record on their backs. But since they do know how to play they went for a cover band instead, that's love and passion.

I have downloaded some songs and videos in the past, but I hadn't check their site in a long time. I didn't know Chickinson was out, I knew that Melanie Sisneros made a bad move (IMO) leaving them to join Sinergy, which she left a bit afterwards without even a single record.
No-Mercy said:
i think this post was rather unecessary.

Unnecessary? :err:
So I'm not to start threads which express my opinion on something/someone and where I wish to see what the rest of the board thinks?! Come on...

they are very good, have you heard them playing much?

If by that you mean live, check my location and that will answer your question. :)

they arent supposed to be as good as maiden, thats impossible. but they do have talent, no doubt. i think you should show them respect, they are very good musicians doing what they love.

Okay, I'm not expecting them to be Maiden #2, but it's not at all impossible to play Maiden stuff. Excuse me, but when I hear the guitars on their recording, I can't have any respect for the girls that play them! They played awful on the recording, in the situation without any distractions and with the ability to repeat bad takes. If they performed like that in the studio, they cannot play any better live.

If you want, I could detail why I think like that on your PM (don't wanna spam the board), but aside from making the "unnecessary" comment, you didn't dispute my claims one tiny bit. I play guitar and hear their sloppy bits and pieces quite clearly. I won't give them credit just because they "love what they do" and "work hard". I do too and I don't expect (nor would I want to) someone to praise me just because I'm from little Croatia and not Germany.
No-Mercy said:
lol i didnt mean to start an arguement....and when i said i think this post was rather unecessary i was talkin about my reply cos i knew it wouldnt matter.

Oh, my bad, I misinterpreted your sentence... :tickled: Sorry!
I don't want to argue as well, I just got your statement wrong, that's all.
And why in the world wouldn't *your* opinion matter? :err:
I saw them live in January at the House of Blues in Los Angeles, and they rocked! They were really good. I haven't heard anything they've recorded, but I was impressed with their live show.

The bassist, is SUPER hot too, hehehe... :OMG: :worship:

:rock: :rock: :rock:
Clammy said:
I saw them live in January at the House of Blues in Los Angeles, and they rocked! They were really good. I haven't heard anything they've recorded, but I was impressed with their live show.

The bassist, is SUPER hot too, hehehe... :OMG: :worship:

:rock: :rock: :rock:
Next time you're in L.A. let me know! :wave:
No-Mercy said:
cos my opinions on most bands other than Iron Maiden and Blind Guardian are inaccurate :p

I disagree. Opinions are always subjective therefore there's no right or wrong, of course my opinions are the only ones I care for :loco:
kittybeast said:
Next time you're in L.A. let me know! :wave:

I'll be there in mid-January when I come down for the NAMM show in Anaheim. If I forget to mention it by the beginning of January, please remind me. I have a HORRID memory, and that's a few months off, heheheh...

:rock: :rock: :rock:
These girls are great at what they're doing and I have heard from several people that have seem then that says the shows kick major ass. Some of them used to play in the band Phantom Blue and they rocked then as well!