The Jester Race lead


Anders pre-2003
May 18, 2008
Anyone know a good setup through VSTs to get the Jester Race lead sound?

You know, the reverby smooth-distortion lead that is used a lot when they played a lead riff on a song.

I'm not really good at EQing.
to me, it sounds like the jester race leads were done direct somehow, although that seems silly given that's seldom what people do with leads. very keyboard-ish sounding to my ears, but it worked for that album. I've said it before so I hope not to sound like a broken record - FreeAmp2 is actually a good tool for direct-recorded leads (which to me can sound jester race-ish), but start with a direct distorted signal not clean, and choose a clean amp setting with a blue or brown cab.
looks like there's a new version 3 out, but 2 is still floating around as well. didja have any luck? there's not a lot of tweaking involved with the freeamp method, just choose a cleanish preset and go through the cabs to see which fits the mix. you might be surprised....but let me know if you tried it and hated it.

how's about putting up a short WAV I can play with (one clean direct, one dirty direct). sounds like a fun project for me. might help to have the music stereo track (drums, bass, and rhythms) I can use as well to work it into the mix.