The keyboards thread

OK we always have drumming and guitar threads, so what about keys/pianos etc? Who are your favourite keyboardists and which bands use them well?

My favourite use of keyboards would have to be Arcturus' Sham Mirrors album. Steinar Sverd Johanssen is a genius, and the intro to 'Star-Crossed' is amazing.

I agree with that, absolutely. The keys at the end of Radical Cut are beyond words.

Devin Townsend is also proficient with keys and synth

Bal Sagoth have to be the best band who infuse keys into their music because they actually do it RIGHT.
And Oceans
Spiral Architect
Lord Wind/Graveland
Negurã Bunget

:kickass: :kickass: Especially Bal-Sagoth.

If we're going into rock territory don't forget The Doors

Or Yes' Rick Wakeman or Boston's Scholz, who did all the keys.

Uriah Heep


Bal Sagoth have to be the best band who infuse keys into their music because they actually do it RIGHT.

Yeah. There are some brilliant parts in their music, totally unexpected in the metal genre.
Per doesn't really add much depth to Opeth's sound. The guitars were always the most necessary element and they are certainly played skillfully enough that adding keyboards full-time is more of an insult than anything.
Yeah songs by Behemoth does seem to have this awesome feeling when the are in Polish, I have to agree with that.

The keyboards in Opeth's new stuff just says that they are too lazy to make that same atmosphere on the guitar (which they have done before) by depending on electronics and keyboards.
Hiring a keyboardist is proof that they'd rather be more like their proggy contemporaries than forging their own musical path.