The latest Metallica WTF? moment

East coast, so our friends from Europe can fly over...huhuhuhu ....

Sure they can.

Specially since they say no more Europe touring due to the Euro downfall and high costs, going to EC-USA has to be the solution. Lar$ really think the mountain will go to the prophet...:devil:
Sure they can.

Specially since they say no more Europe touring due to the Euro downfall and high costs, going to EC-USA has to be the solution. Lar$ really think the mountain will go to the prophet...:devil:

You know I am 52 and I must say that I never in my whole life met such a pompous ass as Larz. And this was in 1984! :mad:
I actually look forward to seeing Hipster Metallica live. Watching James perform while wearing glasses & a scarf, and adding live effects to his vocals via an Ipad should be priceless.
And this was in 1984! :mad:

Unlike wine some stuff does not get better with age. Popallica is undoubtedly one of them.

The main problem is that the media still waste time on that pseudo-band. It's alright to flog the dead horse in here as sport, but the metal community should forget them.
it really doesnt surprise me that they do a festival with such unfitting bands. The money is right there by the "hip and modern" alternative or, even worser, nu metal movement. They give a shit about their origins and do what they want. The festival should have been a gathering of some nwobhm bands and speed / thrash acts.
They think they can win over a fanbase of a whole different genre by playing live for them. It don't work that way Metallica!! You cater to the audience that wanted to listen to you..I swear they are so stupid sometimes. They are hard headed they think everything they do is right and when the fans bitch and moan about it then they go for it even more. Then they start coming up with even more stupid ideas like the LULU album, then they weren't going to release the album on physical format, then they tried to get everyone pumped up only to announce they are having a lousy festival all the way on the fucking east coast with a bunch of bands nobody likes. Then they want to make the Black album part 2 for their next album and they get Rick Rubin as a producer??? and Fidelman the man that ruined the last album's production. These fuckers are loosing it! Loosing their marbles fast.

They are like Kiss now, more of a brand than a band. Fuck you Metallica