The Leak! is out

I'm not sure if the promos have been sent out yet. At least, I haven't gotten mine as of today.

And I don't think telling people to "go grab it now" is the best way to promote a band that you like... Jeez, what a fan you are... "Hmm, let me go inform everyone that the pirate copy is out and they can hear it before the album is released..."
I just checked on nearly any site I could see having it, and I didn't see any leak.

If it does leak, I'll probably download it. I'll also buy it, because Into Eternity is awesome.
yes, the promo's are out, and obviously were posted online. there is defintely one torrent site that is dedicated to the metal community, and that's where i found it.

with that said, i always buy the discs the day they come out, i could care less if i already have downloaded it and know the album by heart. i love jewel case booklets!!!
im on my first listen through, and it sounds great! fast riffs galore and all 8 of stu's voices sound awesome. the only thing that may keep this from beating Buried In Oblivion (my favorite cd ever) is some of the more poppy vocal lines, but ill definitely have this on repeat for awhile. kudos to you guys
no doubt that timeless winter is the standout track on the album for me..stu's vocals on that are beyond amazing..i've never heard such high notes being hit perfectly

dont know how it ranks with buried in oblivion because i have listened to buried in oblivion way too many times to even count, and its one of my favorite albums ever..but i think that there are certain elements to each album that set them far apart from each other..hard to compare

stu or anyone else who might know the answer to this question...which part of the death vox in timeless winter is stu?
If you don't buy this album , Someone should come to your house in the night and kill you in your sleep, Myspace bulletin style.!!

Also , I think the guys have been listening to a lot of Death lately, as the album just screams a death influence , which as we all know is Fuckin Awesome..
I don't think discussing a band's album that's been leaked 2 months before the release date is very respectable to their hard work and THEIR music.