"The Learning"



Okay,I bought the P.o.E. cd last night instead of all of those other cds that I wanted to buy.I got back to my house at about 10:30 last night and put the cd on and just stayed down in my room writing for an hour or so."Learning"came on and I was listening to the lyrics about how there is no religion and "I know I am machine",etc.And I just put those thigns together and got this line "Religion is a machine" and I just thought more and more about that and I wrote it down and it became this story.I know that everyone is probobly sick to death of hearing how much I bitch about religion and babble on about my stories,but this one is kind of Nevermore related so you may be interested.
Your religion is the perfect machine of deception.It runs for centuries upon centuries devouring the souls of the naieve and filling their empty shells with its lying lifeblood.The machine calls itself The Father.The Father must spread His seed to survive.Planting Himself all over the Earth in many different forms but it is all the same Father,the same machine.Run the machine only on the nights of the blind so that no one will see the light coming through the window.The light shows on your machine and shows that it is nothing more than rusted gears and an engine covered in cobwebs.It's not the huge dark menace making noises in the basement that the abusive parents threaten to throw their children into when they are bad.If the light shines on The Father it shows that he is nothing more than a wretched old man with lacerated flesh hanging off of his yellowing bones.He's not the strong,powerful giant who pushed the little children in the dirt and raped them with crucifixes.That's why you must nail the window shut with your ignorance.

I know there's no structure or form to my writing,it's all just thoughts put down in random order,which is the way that I write.I usually never use metaphors in my writing,either.And this piece is full of metaphors.I see "Machine" as a combination of WD's writing on PoE and Marilyn Manson's writing on the Antichrist Superstar cd,which were the 2 cds that I bought yesterday.
Let me know what you think of that story up there,especially you Sombre Oracle.What about some of that constuctive critisizm that you keep giving me.
Good Famous Amos,you got to read my story...it's not exactly as humourus as...oh,say...the Bible.Maybe Sombre Oracle either A)doesn't think that this story sucks and can't give me any constructive critisizm or B)is just not here.
Do you think you could turn this into a song,Amos?I think this piece of writing has a lot of potential to become the lyrics of a song,but I lack song writing talent.
now,would that be while you were under the influence of the herb or with the assistance of Gallu on keyboards?I know,I know...BAD,BAD JOKE...or attempt at a joke,anyway.Organic assistance still sounds totally brilliant...only the writer of the Elbib could come up w/a euphamisim like that.
Once more,thank you :D *takes another bow*.Well I'm a metal head,aren't I?And I'm not talking about '80's metal,either.Heavy metal is,after all,the most intelligent music,isn't it?I'm influenced by some of the most brilliant and thought-provoking bands around-Nevermore and Marilyn Manson. I spend more time writing and observing than I do talking.So I think that accounts for why I'm so "thoughtful".Okay,this is starting to sound stupid and shallow,so I'll just stop talking now.
Originally posted by dreaming neon darkspot
I'm influenced by some of the most brilliant and thought-provoking bands around-Nevermore and Marilyn Manson.
:err: :err: :err: Hmmm... Dude, dunno if MM is thought provoking or intelligent music, but he sure ain't metal ;)
And to tell you the truth i very seriously doubt that MM r thought provoking and intelligent, but as i haven't actually read any lyrics of 'em i will not say anything 'bout that. :D
Originally posted by metalized

:err: :err: :err: Hmmm... Dude, dunno if MM is thought provoking or intelligent music, but he sure ain't metal ;)
And to tell you the truth i very seriously doubt that MM r thought provoking and intelligent, but as i haven't actually read any lyrics of 'em i will not say anything 'bout that. :D

agrred! :lol: