the least cheesiest bands (in response to the cheese thread)

Lyle said:
people like varg and a lot of the other bands mentioned who seem utterly sincere and without a sense of self irony sort of wrap around from being not-cheesy back to cheesy sorry


Most pretentious bands are just as cheesy as the "heavy metallllll" type bands. Who the fuck cares really? This thread and the other one are stupid.
Mayhem not cheesy ?


There guitarist puts on eyeliner and make up before their sets like a girl.
every band that has a certain is image once you think about it(black metal being the absolute worst), the only bands that arnt cheesy dont have images like metallica or iron maiden etc.
I really don't see how anyone can put a black metal band in here...

I'd say most thrash bands stay clear of cheese, least cheesy genre imo.
Forbidden is cheesy, overkill is cheesy. This is the only thrash with cheese I can think off.
zim18 said:
every band that has a certain is image once you think about it(black metal being the absolute worst), the only bands that arnt cheesy dont have images like metallica or iron maiden etc.

lol at metallica and iron maiden not being cheesy

though this is a retarded discussion because it's clearly linked to subjective experience. to someone who isn't into metal, ALL metal appears silly and cheesy, and i can't really fault that perception generally

it's like making a thread calling "the least bad bands"