The Leper Affinity cover

Soudns like the signer doens't know all the words and misses syllables and whole words. Very mumbly. The guitars seem off every once in a while. Basically, the singer annoys me. Drumming is solid. Is there a bassist? Oh, I heard him at about 2 minutes in.

You're right about the clean vocals. It sounds like a 12 year old and a guy like 18-22ish singing together.

Overall, the music itself is good, but the vocalist just isn't made for this song. At all. Kudos to the instumentalists.
im sorry but the scream at 1:37 is pitiful hahaha

but overall, dece cover.
lol dude, get yourself in a good band, seriously the drumming was the only decent bit (and it was pretty damn good). your vocalist should do stand up with that voice seriously, he's funnier than most of the shit out there these days.
voclas are alright....actualyl not good...sorry...instermeunts are awesome....offocurse its a live recording so teh mixing is not the best...but heck...its aweome for a live recording....teh drums are killer.....identical .....its very very nicelyt done my friernd.....!!! soem points ire guitarists are struggling...but none the was awesoe......i really really enjoyed it....i lsitened to it all...........mamazing musicians...Keep rockin fellas.............PEAC EOUT