the leper affinity- what does it mean?

I really have no idea. The title is cool as hell, though.
Some parts of it seem like it would be rape, but other parts sound more like about nature and death, Im really not sure though.

Ive thought about this a lot, since the BWP album is themed around disgust for humanity I think, here are some possibilities:

Bleak may be about some type of sickness or disease.

Harvest is possibly about grief, bereavement/from a funeral maybe.

The Drapery Falls, I have no idea, maybe depression?

Dirge for November seems to be about suicide and depression.

Funeral Portrait seems to be about a murderer/serial killer.

Blackwater Park is sort of a climax and culmination of the whole album, and basically "confessor of the tragedies of man, lurking in the core of us all" sums it up I guess. There is evil and dark things within all of us.

Some of these could be way off and completely wrong but I think the important thing is not to try and disect every line and translate it to something, but maybe an overall theme or idea. Or whatever the songs mean to the listener, as they can mean different things to everyone.

Interviewer:"Generally, what do the lyrics deal with? Do they have a common theme?"
Akerfelt: "For this album it is almost like the music. I don't think too much. When I wrote the lyrics this time, I didn't really think what I wanted to write about. I just wrote. It turned out being really, really twisted and almost sick at times. When I read the lyrics afterwards I was like, "Fucking hell! What is wrong with me?" I was amazed to see what I had written down, but it came out in a very personal in a way. I have been writing concepts for the last two albums, but I was pretty tired of that. I wanted to have something different this time. I spent ten days writing the lyrics. Ten days before I was supposed to record them, so I was under a little bit of pressure. It came out very well I think. It's basically about disregard towards humans in general, but spiced up to be even more twisted. Many of the songs on the new album pretty much deal with the same subject. Different elements of this subject."

ah ha.

Some of the lyrics are unbelievably sick and dark, but it wouldn't be right any other way.
Check this out. Some questions of the following interview are about Blackwater Park's meaning. I hope this will help you.

aweosme interview...mayube u shoudl quote his explanatiosn fro still life and my arms ure hears eadn bwp into teo FAQ...also its interestign how he says that he was the booking agent so to sepak for teh badn...adn was too lazy to respng adn fake read....thanx.....PEAC EOUT
MU: What other albums of yours were concept albums? Were they all?

MA: Not all of them. The first two were just individual stories if you will - pretty much rambling on about stuff I didn't understand myself.

MU: What other albums of yours were concept albums? Were they all?

MA: Not all of them. The first two were just individual stories if you will - pretty much rambling on about stuff I didn't understand myself.


yup hes said it before they all read poetry played chess in those days.....acting all smart and writing about stuff they really didnt know much about...!!!!...hahaha.......PEAC EOUT
Waz, everytime you Type ''aweosme'' instead of ''awesome'' i feel like punching my bedroom's wall like there is no tomorrow, stop that shit ffs
Bleak is totally about somebody killing an unfaithful lover.
^^ Very possibly, you could interpret a lot of the song's lyrics as love/relationship type stuff.