The Leper Affinity bass line can break your hand!

Great Old One

Seventeen Seconds
Jan 25, 2006
Hello, I'm new overhere.
I'm bass player, I have been playing for about 4 years and the 3:55 part from Leper Affinity is SO painful for me! I don't understand, anyone here with the same experiende? It's like my fingers are going to dislocate themselves!

By the way, a Fender Jazz Bass Marcus Miller signature (the same that plays Martin Mendez) for 1000 $ (in fact 1000 Euros, I'm from Barcelona, Spain) knowing that I just play bass because I like it, not profesional is a good buy? I have the oportunity and I dont know what to do.
Marcus millers are a good thing to have, though a few people complain about the fret buzz they have. Apparently its a big problem for some.

Its a bass to sound like the 70's basically.

This is a bass affiliated with Ken Smith.

This guy mostly does custom bases and when he does, he goes out with the loggers and hand picks the trees he wants to use.

So he keep his standards up even with this offset company thing he has going. He calls it his beautique :p

I looked into getting a marcus miller and the more i researched the more i wanted the ken smith.

This is the same bass without the fret buzz. Not so many people have these, and also here in aus its cheaper to order one from american and have it shiped down then it is to pay for that "fender" logo on the neck.

got to love that 70s growl they had in their bases.
hey, y'all have any recs for where to get decent, accurate opeth bass tabs???
i'm learning and need more stuff to fool around with...
but i keep finding stuff that seems pretty off.
Great Old One said:
Hello, I'm new overhere.
I'm bass player, I have been playing for about 4 years and the 3:55 part from Leper Affinity is SO painful for me! I don't understand, anyone here with the same experiende? It's like my fingers are going to dislocate themselves!

By the way, a Fender Jazz Bass Marcus Miller signature (the same that plays Martin Mendez) for 1000 $ (in fact 1000 Euros, I'm from Barcelona, Spain) knowing that I just play bass because I like it, not profesional is a good buy? I have the oportunity and I dont know what to do.

you mean the part where mikael goes "in sanity"... etc? learn to use your pinkie... it's not that hard.

wankerness makes pretty good bass tabs :) get them from ( is down).
Ehm, not to put you down or anything, but I've been playing bass for only half a year and can play that riff without problem. Although I too find it puts a bit of a strain on me.

The real problem for me is the second riff. Goes a bit like:

4 4 4 4 4 0 0 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 etc, and then hops from 4 on the E string to "8 7 6 5" on the A. Too fast. :)
AnTz0r said:
get them from ( is down).

Hey, thanks. I was wondering where to get my tabs these days. They're down right now, but it says they'll be back up soon. I miss powertabs.