Last night i saw for the 1020202023023 time Lamentations dvd,
the sound is astonishing, it sound exactly like the cd without so much of post-production (which is incredibile)...I never heard Opeth guitar sound
roaring in that consistent, huge way.
I think lamentations dvd has the best live sound they had's
million miles away from roundhouse (isn't it a paradox since lamentations was shooted 5 years ago??) and i'm shure that in this last one they used pedal boards like the gt-8 (i have it), infact the sound is buzzy, and listening at it again and again i came to the conclusion that it's exactly the sound of Morningrise and Orchid (with better equalizations of course) i can bet my ass on this. (i think they really used boss gt-3 when they recorded that time)
Gt-8 or Gt-6 is a quite good pedalboard, i use it in our Tribute band live but it's ridicolous compared on valve pure distorsion.
In my opinion, if you want to get a decent sound shape at least you have to use it with a good guitar like a Gibson or a PRS, other guitars with cheap pickups would be a disaster.

Personally i use a Laney VH100R in clean channel and i use the distorsion of the pedal board that sucks some power from the valves and gives more presence to the sound...
What i suggest, if someone is wondering how to have a similar opeth sound, is to buy something like a mesa amplifier with an effect processor like g-major and stuff...Not cheap i know.
What i'm trying to say is not a nerd/gear-addicted reasoning...but i'm shure that the sound of a band is really important, particulary in Opeth, and this is way i get goosebumps everytime Master's apprentices blast my brain in lamentations dvd

and i don't get the same appeal in roundhouse with ghost of perdition (for example).. this is also very important for us in the tribute band off course, because we are trying to be as close as we can to the original.