Out of the Ashes of ALCHEMIST rises THE LEVITATION HEX, heavier, more aggressive but with all the psychedelic and progressive quirks you loved about about ALCHEMIST.
Download some free tracks at http://www.myspace.com/#!/573080527
Or listen to some beter quality versions at http://soundcloud.com/levitationhex
Band will release a cd quality free download at www.levitationhex.net when it is launched later in 2011 with a full album and touring in 2012

Download some free tracks at http://www.myspace.com/#!/573080527
Or listen to some beter quality versions at http://soundcloud.com/levitationhex
Band will release a cd quality free download at www.levitationhex.net when it is launched later in 2011 with a full album and touring in 2012