the links thread part IV

Schakel MSN Messenger uit en log in op je Hotmail-account. Klik aan de
rechterkant van het venster op OPTIONS en kies dan voor PERSONAL.
Selecteer MY PROFILE, verander je landcode in USA en gebruik 33332 als
zip-code (florida). Zodra dit gebeurd is, klik je op UPDATE. Blijf aangemeld in
Hotmail en surf naar deze pagina om je
<> account te
deactiveren. Dit is het 'tricky' gedeelte, maar het werkt wel.
Deactiveer je account (wees gerust, je mailtjes verdwijnen niet) en log
uit. Surf opnieuw naar Hotmail <> om je aan te
melden. Log in met je oude gebruikersnaam en paswoord; je oude account
wordt zo opnieuw geactiveerd. Even nog wat reclamevoorstellen wegklikken
en je bent klaar! Log dan uit en start MSN Messenger terug op. Je kan nu
opnieuw via Messenger in je Hotmail-account, en al je oude mailtjes
verschijnen weer. In onze test verliep dit vlekkeloos en konden we een
bestaande account upgraden tot 25 MB. Enkele dagen later werd dat zelfs
ineens opgetrokken tot 250 MB. - DV


close MSN messenger and log in to your hotmail account
click OPTIONS at the right upper side
select MY PROFILE and change your country code into USA
and use 33332 as zip code (that's florida)
click UPDATE
stay signed in to hotmail and surf to
to desactivate your account, this sounds tricky but it does work
so desactivate your account (no worries, your mails will apear again) and log out
go again to hotmail and log in again with your old usersname and password
this way your old account will be activated again
click away the publicity proposals and you're reaaady
log out and restart msn messenger
via messenger you can go into your hotmail account again and all your old mails will apear again
this way your account will be up to 25 mb, a few days later suddenly 250 mb.
This article was originally published on page 15 of Sunday Independent on March 27, 2005:

Untidy? You need to rent a German

By Ruth Elkins

They have a knack of annexing sun loungers. They can cook a mean bratwurst. They win World Cups. Now, though, instead of simply envying the Germans, you can rent one for yourself.

"A wide range of Germans for your personal and social needs," promises, a new website.

"Appear with your German at parties, family events or just hang out with them at the local shopping centre. No matter which occasion you choose, you will surely impress."

'It's absolutely unbelievable'

Be warned, though: Teutons don't come cheap.

Hiring one to boil up sauerkraut in the comfort of your own home will set you back £800 (about R9 000). Support at business meetings costs £832 and a holiday package ("Our Germans will do their best to give you happy moments at the hotel bar") is £520.

If this all sounds like a bit of a joke, that's how it started. Johannes Blank, who set up the website, is a Munich-based "new media" artist who saw it as a conceptual stunt. But he should have known that a German joke is no laughing matter: as soon as the site went live a fortnight ago, he was besieged by applications from people wanting to hire themselves out.

"It's absolutely unbelievable," said Blank. "They've been sending me entirely serious applications, complete with photos, listing their talents."

With 5,2 million unemployed in Germany, such a reaction was perhaps to be expected.

But Blank has also discovered that there is plenty of demand for such precious Prussian talents as tidiness and making trains run on time. Rent-a-German has received more than 200 orders from as far away as America, Malaysia and Britain.

"One Belgian firm told me they were having an international meeting near Brussels to develop trivia games, and were desperate to have a German mind there," said the artist.

"They even offered to take him or her out to a local disco as a reward."

Next, a London family got in touch. They said they'd had years of trouble getting a sun lounger on their summer holidays, and wanted a German to come along to teach them the tricks of the trade.

The response has been so great that Blank says he's now looking for car
showrooms outside Germany to display his human wares.

Last week Chancellor Gerhard Schröder held a special "job summit" and announced tax cuts to boost employment. Blank is ready to do his bit, and will visit job centres as a potential employer, but he says Rent-a-German is really about challenging well-worn stereotypes.

"Whenever I was abroad, the first comment I got was: 'Oh, you're German', followed by a long conversation about how all Germans are right-wing radicals who spend the entire day eating bratwurst," he said.

"I thought if everyone's so bloody interested in Germans, I might as well rent them out."

- Foreign Service

snow2fall said:

this was stolen offa me, for the record

in a shop queue a young mother slaps the arse off her screaming nipper. Behind her are two obviously German tourists, disgusted by this public display of child abuse.

german tourist: "excuse me, in Germany we do not hit our children"

irate mother: "oh yeah, well in Ireland we don't gass the Jews"

--grafton street

Overheard by donal
Friday, 01st April 2005

Anti-smoking laws

On the 78A out to Liffey Valley a while back some poor bastard fell asleep on the top deck out of his mind, so a group of scumbags rolled up a load of paper into a cigarette, put it in his mouth and set fire to it. Then they ran downstairs and started shouting at the driver: "Mister, mister, some youngfella's smokin upstairs". So while the driver ran upstairs to put out the fire, the lads jumped off and started throwing rocks at the bus. Good stuff.

--78A bus

Overheard by Ididurma
Friday, 01st April 2005
For some reason it doesn't surprise me that the people in a Catholic country are living in the past... :wave:

Bambi said:
in a shop queue a young mother slaps the arse off her screaming nipper. Behind her are two obviously German tourists, disgusted by this public display of child abuse.

german tourist: "excuse me, in Germany we do not hit our children"

irate mother: "oh yeah, well in Ireland we don't gass the Jews"

--grafton street
snow2fall said:
For some reason it doesn't surprise me that the people in a Catholic country are living in the past... :wave:
ah but we dont mind cos we dont have anny skeletons back there...
