the links thread

Originally posted by miranda B
All the animals in the world
Who`s gonna rescue them?
Who`s gonna tell or children where and why they`re all gone.

:mad: :mad:
wish people would take more care off al the beautiful animals in the world.:mad: :mad:

I agree. Indeed!

The only situation I really could be violent, is that I'd see somebody treating badly a helpless, innocent animal! :mad:

Try me, fuckers!!!! :Shedevil:
Originally posted by speakinstone
I agree. Indeed!

The only situation I really could be violent, is that I'd see somebody treating badly a helpless, innocent animal! :mad:

I can absolutely agree with that, absolutely. It drives me mad when I see animals getting hurt. What poor creatures those humans must be to mistreat animals that can's help themselves.
Cheerz, speakingstone !
Originally posted by miranda B
All the animals in the world
Who`s gonna rescue them?
Who`s gonna tell or children where and why they`re all gone.

i'll have no problems telling my children why some gay chinese black metal bears disappeard. i would have a bit more problems explaning him why there're no more palestinians, native americans or tibetans.
Originally posted by mehdi.i.e.e.e
i'll have no problems telling my children why some gay chinese black metal bears disappeard. i would have a bit more problems explaning him why there're no more palestinians, native americans or tibetans.

rabat joie !
(rabbin joie ? )
nan mais y en a marre des gens qui nous cassent les couilles paske y a un hamster qu'a canné sa race alors qu'y a des choses plus graves qui se passent et on dirait qu'ils s'en battent les couilles sa mere la pute et nanani et nanana :mad:

rabbin toi meme d'abord t'as vu mtchk :lol:
Originally posted by mehdi.i.e.e.e
i would have a bit more problems explaning him why there're no more palestinians, native americans or tibetans.

okay i agree on you with that, but i think we all should take better care off the animals(beautiful or not)
animals dont make war or pollution.
At least they love you unconditional and dont stab you in the back.
i love animals and i think people who hurt them are sick human beings:mad: :mad:
I now an animal that desrves to be extinct. It's called human and it's the most selfish, greedy and stupid thing on the universe.....

By the way, what happened to my avatar? Where is my ethereal blond muse???????:confused:

Great gig, I suppose..?! Only that I was 2 hours late. The last band just started.. (my fuckin job is getting to disturb my hobbies..! :mad: )

And yet that I won't go out with my GIRL mates for a little while..I think. Too much that same blaa blaa don't wanna hear no mooore!! Gushh.. :guh: :p Had to got drunk..:grin:

And, surprisingly enough, there should've been a long awaited gig by BloodRose on saturday. Only that the pub doesn't exists no more. It is very closed.

I have a strange feeling the gigs are avoiding me..? This kind of things just happens a pretty too often. :bah:
Originally posted by speakinstone

Great gig, I suppose..?! Only that I was 2 hours late. The last band just started.. (my fuckin job is getting to disturb my hobbies..! :mad: )

And yet that I won't go out with my GIRL mates for a little while..I think. Too much that same blaa blaa don't wanna hear no mooore!! Gushh.. :guh: :p Had to got drunk..:grin:

And, surprisingly enough, there should've been a long awaited gig by BloodRose on saturday. Only that the pub doesn't exists no more. It is very closed.

I have a strange feeling the gigs are avoiding me..? This kind of things just happens a pretty too often. :bah:

Shit. So you were on the group of three ladies ;) that paid a little less 'cause there was only one band? I sat downstairs when you came in (didn't charge you, though). I also 'mixed' the last band. Yeah, our gig was pretty good. Heard some positive critism also from people...
Again tomorrow, this is startin to feel like a tour :lol: But hey, I appreciate it very much that you even came :notworthy :D

Why the heck did bloodrose book a gig to a closed pub? that makes no sense :muahaha:

Talking about gigs, are you planning to go see Tiamat in Nosturi next month? I'm not sure yet, though I like Wildhoney and some other stuff but albums after WH I haven't heard much...
Originally posted by Crack Hitler
Shit. So you were on the group of three ladies ;) that paid a little less 'cause there was only one band? I sat downstairs when you came in (didn't charge you, though). I also 'mixed' the last band. Yeah, our gig was pretty good. Heard some positive critism also from people...
Again tomorrow, this is startin to feel like a tour :lol: But hey, I appreciate it very much that you even came :notworthy :D

Why the heck did bloodrose book a gig to a closed pub? that makes no sense :muahaha:

Talking about gigs, are you planning to go see Tiamat in Nosturi next month? I'm not sure yet, though I like Wildhoney and some other stuff but albums after WH I haven't heard much...

:lol: Yep, sounds like us.. (though I didn't noticed we paid less, seems like my mates got a profit..:guh: )

:rock: Good luck for your tour!! ;)
I'm tomorrow on my way to Imatra (seeing that BR gig never will be.. :bah: oh well, never say never, it'll be organized later I've heard..?) They didn't book a closed pub, but the place lost its licence to sell..etc. Just this me 'luck' again..

About Tiamat..if I'd say I'm coming there, the gig will be canceled. So I keep my mouth shut..:cool: