The Lost Room: thoughts?


Complex pain
Jul 13, 2004
Sacramento, CA
Now, seeing that it was from the Sci-Fi channel, my bias filter naturally kicked in. Seeing that it was produced by Lion's Gate mitigated any negative thoughts. Seeing the previews of lame movies on the discs beforehand brought back the bias, but when I actually watched the show, I was impressed.

My mother has a monthly Netflix-like program with Hollywood Video where she pays x dollars and gets 2 movies at a time for an unlimited time. She has a habit of picking random movies which are usually terrible. This time, however, what I saw I enjoyed thoroughly.

It is, as I said, called the Lost Room. It's a surreal thriller about a cop who acquires a mysterious key that will open any door with a tumbler lock. Behind every door is the same mysterious hotel room, and when one exits the room, one can travel thence to anywhere.

Don't want to spoil it too much. I give it a 4 / 5.
Oh yes, I remember seeing a preview for this show a while back, they had some thing on TV (or it could have been that thing they show at movie theaters when you get to your seat way too early, right after those really shitty songs by "up and coming pop artists" but before the actual trailers kick in) where they interviewed that cool guy from Six Feet Under and that bitch from ER, thusly I was intrigued at the time but then I never heard anything about it again ................................................................... (until now) THE END